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Tag-Team Tournament 2021

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The Two's a /co/mpany Tournament 2021 is the third edition of the all-genders /co/ duos competition, hosted on the plus4chan imageboard similar to the prior year's tournament but there were multiple attempts to host the tourney on the /co/ board. TagTeamAnon !iho9VEaVKs was unable to host this tournament due to quote "both school and work buttfucking [him] in terms of scheduling" and similar to Stats anon !!rkK6EtYmPFl dissapearance (or presumably his death) when the scheduled tourney date arrived, confusion was made regarding who would be hosting the tourney and if the tourney would even happen. This confusion was bolstered by [Temp Anon] !vHqM1sfAlM starting the nominations thread in plus4chan's /tnt/ board straight after King /v/ 2021 without an annoucement, timer, spreadsheet or even a tripcode at the time. Some semblance of organization was brought when fern avatarfag !ma9qovM58k stepped up to make a spreadsheet cataloging all the nominated teams.

This year saw the addition of the A.H Rule that establishes whose eligible from the online genre of "analog horror" due to /co/ allowing analog horror threads. Questions came up about the eligiblability of characters from said genre during the nominations, it was decided characters from "analog horror" are only allowed if they are explicitly drawn, painted or animated and are presented as such.

Though nominations began December 6th 16:56 EST, the nominations were stretch over a few days due to the tournament having no announcement and thus low participation, nominations ended December 10th, 8:00 EST and in those 4 days gathered over 270+ nominees. Although nominations ended on the 10th there was a grace period to allow campaigning and set up the polls for the first time hosts. During this time fern avatarfag !ma9qovM58k officially left work on the tournament, leaving sole hosting work to [Temp Anon] !vHqM1sfAlM. Qualifiers officially began on December 10th, 10:00 EST, an hour behind schedule. Under [Temp Anon] !vHqM1sfAlM the tourney was woefully mismanaged with it taking days for the qualifier results to be released along with a lack of communication. Due to this Dominos Anon !w86bRI0tYM stepped in to create the round 1 poll along with new hosts Numnuts Anon !0f1ZB4Rf. This was not the end of problems with the hosts though.

As a consolation prize, a few days after the tournament, a hunger games simulator with every team was held on plus4chan. Team "Pathetic" with Hal Jordan (DC) and Ben 10 (Ben 10) being the winner.

Note: Tag-Team Tournament 2021 does not have any formal list of contestants, bracket, or character plates and have made no indication that there will be any made.

2021 Winner: Reagan (Inside Job) / Brett (Inside Job) [Team Name: Team Cognito]

5th-8th (unsorted)

Rigging and Aftermath[edit]

Rigging was a huge problem in this tourney. In the qualifiers, several votes were given that only listed Pumpkinheads. In the quarterfinals after the results were posted, somehow votes changed after 7pm. This lead to arguments over whether The OGs won or Demonic Hosts won. It was eventually decided The OGs would move on. That wasn't the end of things however. It was eventually revealed through Numnuts Anon !0f1ZB4Rf that Dominos Anon !w86bRI0tYM was Alastorposter. This lead to Dominos Anon !w86bRI0tYM revealing that Numnuts Anon !0f1ZB4Rf was both Chrisposter and Tourneyanon, who had a past of disputes and mismanaging tournaments. This lead to Numnuts Anon !0f1ZB4Rf breaking down and admitting that he rigged all of the Elite Eight besides Cognito who he tried to actually rig out. Of these confessions, one that stood out among anons was the fact he rigged out Three (Minus 1) Caballeros to get a reaction. Many questioned the extent of these claims though, believing this was mostly a fit to sabotage the tournament near its end.

Following this [Temp Anon] !vHqM1sfAlM took charge again to mixed reactions. While Temp was able to technically finish the tournament, it was once again largely mismanaged. The final round's results were initially posted as a draw between Explosivas and Cognito, giving Explosivas the victory by seed. Temp claimed Cognito was the victor by alphabetical order though. Temp eventually deleted the thread and reposted the results with Explosivas as the victor, yet the results had bizarrely changed with Cognito having what was assumed a switched vote after the time limit. Temp once again deleted the thread and reposted it with Cognito as the victor once more. During probing about the voting anomaly Temp posted a screenshot of his computer time, showing it was not only ahead by a few minutes from others, but that he was using the long outdated Windows XP, which may in part have explained Temp's sluggish pacing and handling of the event. In all, the issues and controversies, added with lower activity than last year (particularly much less RP) left many unsatisfied, and regarding Tag-team Tournament 2021 as the worst /co/ tournament yet.


  • All teams shall consist of 2 members, no more, no less. Teams do not have to be canon partners.
  • One show or franchise gets only 3 teams, a team of two characters from the same franchise only gets counted as 1 team. Marvel and DC are exempt from this rule. One team per character, no duplicate teams such as Johnny and Jack + Johnny and Kronk. If duplicate teams end up in the roster, highest seed in qualifiers determines the team that ends up in the final roster.
  • No OC characters like Grieve-tan
  • OP cannot nominate characters as to prevent favoritism and cheating.
  • Nominations must contain both characters in one photo (Doesn't have to be actual artwork, a shitty edit is fine), their respective source material, the team name. Must get eight replies to be nominated.
  • No caricatures of politicians, even if satire. Clone High characters are exempt from this rule. Mr./Mrs. Garrison is allowed as well, just use an image from before Season 19.


  • Token Rule: Vidya or non /co/ originating characters must have at least one comic series (IE: More than one issue) or cartoon to participate. No purely honorary /co/ such as Sora or Peacock. This is limited to three teams containing vidya or non /co/ originating characters.
  • FOTM Rule: All characters must come from a work that is at least one month old, example: Characters that debuted in a work on September 4th cannot participate in a competition that begins on October 4th
  • Elite Eight Rule: Characters appearing in the quarter-finals of the previous contest are not allowed to compete in this edition. They will be eligible for nomination in the next contest.
  • A.H Rule: Characters from "analog horror" are only allowed if they are exclipitly drawn, painted or animated and are presented as such (IE: Intended to not appear real). For example: Cadavre from Local 58, Virginia from Monument Mthos and Dorcelessness from BLUE_CHANNEL are allowed.

Ineligible Teams[edit]

Elite Eight Rule: Characters appearing in the quarter-finals of the previous contest are not allowed to compete in this edition. They will be eligible for nomination in the next contest.

2020 Elite Eight (Will be eligible next contest)
2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Klaus/Jesper Miguel/Tulio Oswarld the Lucky Rabbit/Mickey Mouse Wallace/Gromit The Monarch/Master Shake Stan Pines/Mr. Krabs Bill Cipher/Alastor
"North Pole Express" "Mighty and Powerful Gods" "The Power of Two" "Cracking Cheese Lovers" "Assholish Adult Swim Duo" "S.C.A.M Inc" "Dapper Dealers"
Klaus The Road to El Dorado Disney Wallace and Gromit The Venture Bros / Aqua Teen Hunger Force Gravity Falls / Spongebob Square Pants Gravity Falls / Hazbin Hotel

2019 2020
Sam and Max The Grinch/Jack Skellington
"Freelance Police" "Fake Santas"
Sam and Max Dr. Seuss/The Nightmare Before Christmas

List of Qualified Teams[edit]

Nominations List: google sheet
archived list

Advanced to Main Bracket (128)
Seed Team Name Votes
01 Spy Plus Spy 66
02 A man and his cat 64
03 the rENAgrades 61
04 Bertstrips 59
05 Fearless/Cowardly Dog Team 58
06 Bad Things Seem to Happen to People who Don't Drink Wilkins 58
07 Danger Duo 56
08 Team Explosiva 51
9 Trollberg Jumpers 50
10 We Can Fix It 49
11 Primal Duo 48
13 Robotnik's Robots 47
14 Mystery Inc. 47
15 Britain's Favorite Postman 46
16 Paparazzi 46
17 !!Chicken Choice Judy!! 45
18 Bacon and Eggs 44
19 Sheriffs of Pure Heart 44
20 Sealab 2021 for Tag Team 2 21
21 Hakuna Matata 44
22 Blue and Gold 42
23 Horse Girls 41
24 A Goofy Tag-Team 41
25 Copper Couple 41
26 Cognito 40
27 MIB 40
28 Dastardly Duo 40
29 Team Jamity 40
30 Demonic Hosts 39
31 Super Secret Secret Squad 39
32 Camelot Crusaders 39
33 Chum Bucket 39
34 Travel Friends 38
35 Two Odd Girls 38
36 Mung Daal's Catering Comp ny
37 Runners Up I'd Like to Fuck 38
38 Pathetic. 37
39 Earth Conquerors 37
40 Hench 4 Life 37
41 Spooky Scary Skeletons 37
42 ¡Lucha Tigre! 37
43 The Miser Brothers 36
44 Team Claiming this Tournament in the Name of Mars! 36
45 The Monarchs 35
46 Love/Hate Cat/Mouse Duo 35
47 The Almighty Tallest 35
48 Master Builders 35
49 High Impact Sexual Cutness 35
50 Bramley Duo 34
51 Wake the fuck up 34
52 Cranky Old Men 34
53 Of Mice and Bears 34
54 Industrycuck BTFO 34
55 Team Cyborg Sympathy 34
56 Wu Hunters 33
57 Cancelled 33
58 Pumpkinheads 33
59 The OGs 33
60 Dumb, Yet Evil 33
61 Unholy Matrimony 32
62 It's the Great Tag-Team Tournament, Charlie Brown 32
63 Carnage and Kek 31
64 Nerdy Broken Hearts 31
65 Roasting Balcony Bros 31
66 Mute&Void 31
67 Make-Believe Heroes 31
68 Indie Hits 31
69 Movin' Right Along 31
70 God Made Me Special and I Hate Him Very Much 31
71 Delayed Nomination later than John K's production output 31
73 Three (Minus 1) Caballeros 30
74 Team VERY Legitimate Victory 30
75 Warner Brothers 30
77 Problematic Dads 30
78 Giant Localizers 29
79 Glove and Boots 29
80 Isekai Allies 29
81 A Horse and Her Rider 29
82 Immune Response 29
83 Evil and Company 29
84 T.U.F.F. Puppy 29
85 Calvin and Hobbes 29
86 Team Bastards (and/or Greedy) Animals 29
87 Boop Oop a Doop 29
88 The Ratcatchers 29
89 Demon Controlled Children 29
90 The Unlikely-Alliance-Tag-Team-Win-Inator 29
91 Sam-I-Am Wants You to Try Green Eggs & Ham 29
92 Unmentionable Individuals 28
93 Evil backwards is love spelled wrong 28
94 No Legs to Stand on Conquer rs
95 Greatest Heroes 28
96 Las Muertitas 28
97 New York's Finest 28
98 Technicolor Crime Couple 28
99 Your Almighty God and His Servant 28
100 Bitches in Sheeps Clothing 28
101 Bikini Bottoms Big Biceped Bubble Blowin' Brutes 28
102 Living Metal Entertainment 27
103 Kracc Bacc Duo 27
104 Happiness in Sadsville 27
105 The Test Twins 27
106 Conman and Cop 27
107 Think Pink 27
108 It's My Horse! 27
109 Spongebob Haters 27
110 Mystery Twins 27
111 The Puppingtons 27
112 Sickos 27
113 Devil's Spawn 26
114 Indomitable Gauls 26
115 The Bad Guy and The Wan er
116 Man's Best Friend? 26
117 The MTV Generation 26
118 The Heelers 26
119 Old but Gold 26
120 Puppy Power 26
121 Goofy Goobers 26
122 Those Two Rodents 26
123 Seperation Anxiety 26
124 One is a Genius, the Other's Insane 26
125 Avatars of Nemesis 25
126 Town Punching Bags 25
127 Loose Screws and Booze 25
128 Anti-Alien Axis 25


Tag Team Booru: tagteam.booru.org

Thread Links:

plus4chan's /tnt/ board
Archived thread links:

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4chan Tournaments
/co/mics & cartoons Ms. /co/ 20182019202020212022202320242025
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Ms. /co/
Tournaments 20182019202020212022202320242025
Champions Jenny XJ9 Spinel Dr. Mrs. The Monarch Betty Boop Fang Wuya Frankie Foster
Elite Eight
Bold indicates semifinalist status. Bold underlined indicates finishing as runner-up at least once.
Alex Azula Black Canary Blackfire Chel Clover ENA Eris EVE Harley Quinn Helen Parr Hilda Johanna Jucika Kim Possible Lord Dominator Marceline Miss Bellum Miss Pauling Mrs. Brisby Muriel Bagge Nani Pelekai Nicole Watterson Pearl Peridot Pomni Queen Tyr'ahnee Raven Shirley the Medium Starfire Shego Toph Beifong Velma Dinkley
Qualified Characters
Alice Amelia Bedelia Amity Anne Boonchuy Ariel Ashi Aunt Cass Beatrice Candace Flynn Captain Amelia‎ Creepy Susie Charlie Magne Coraline Death Demencia Dexter's Mom Eda Clawthorne Emmy Giffany Gwen (TD) Gwen Tennyson Gwenpool Hekapoo Izzy Jackie Lynn Thomas Jessica Rabbit Karen Kim Pine Leni Loud Librarian Lola Bunny Loona Luz Noceda Marcy Wu Marie (CotC) Marie Kanker Mira Miko Kubota Millie Noodle Pacifica Northwest Propane Princess Marco Rapunzel Ruby Rose Sasha Waybright Slappy Squirrel Snowman Star Butterfly Tak Tiff Crust Ty Lee Vanessa Doofenshmirtz Wendy Corduroy Wendy's MascotZatanna
Other Characters
Goldfish Crackers (Coral) • Incidental 87’s Mother
Mr. /co/lympus
Tournaments 20182019202020212022202320242025
Champions Johnny Bravo Kronk Tom Cat General Grievous Zorak Skeletor Spider-Man
Elite Eight
Bold indicates semifinalist status. Bold underlined indicates finishing as runner-up at least once.
Aku Batman Bugs Bunny Captain America Carl Brutananadilewski Courage Daffy Duck Dale Gribble Eustace Bagge Farquaad Grim Hank Hill Heinz Doofenshmirtz Hugh Neutron Iroh Joker J. Jonah Jameson Kermit the Frog Kuzco Marvin the Martian Max Mr. Incredible Optimus Prime Popeye Plankton Samurai Jack Shaggy SpongeBob Squidward Superman Wallace WALL-E Xavier Zim
Qualified Characters
Alastor Benson Bill Cipher Black Hat Captain Silver Candlejohn Chris McLean Commissioner Gordon Dan Dick Dastardly Doctor Doom Donald Duck Double D Robotnik Dr. Livesey Duck Ed Eddy Felix the Cat Fred Jones Gaston Jack Skellington Jack Spicer Lord Hater Lord Shen Master Shake Megamind Megatron Mickey Mouse Mojo Jojo Mr. Boss Mung Daal Omni-ManOswald the Lucky Rabbit Plank Professor Utonium Rorschach Ruber Sam Scrooge McDuck Shrek Simon Laurent Sneed Spear Starscream The Monarch Twig Uncle Ruckus (No relation) Wirt Zoidberg Zuko
Other Characters
Carl (Dragged In)Guy GagnéJohn BlacksadKent MansleyMarco DiazRamesesThe Emperor of MankindWilkins
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