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King of /v/ 2021

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King of /v/ 2021 Gallery

King of /v/ 2021 was the third edition of the annual King of /v/ tournament held in the /v/ board of the anonymous imageboard 4chan. Featuring 961 nominees and a 128-player randomized single elimination bracket, the tournament concluded with the 19th seeded purificator The Batter from OFF winning the championship over the evil genius Dr. Eggman from Sonic the Hedgehog. Third place went to former yakuza Kazuma Kiryu from the Like a Dragon series, while the YTP icon Morshu from The Legend of Zelda claimed fourth place.

Useful links:


Nomination Rules[edit]

  • To nominate a character, you must post their name, image, AND series. Nominations must garner at least 10 replies (supports) within a single thread in order to enter the qualifying poll.
    • If any of the three infos is missing in the nomination, you can reply to add the missing relevant info, although that reply won't be counted as a support.
  • All characters must either originate from a vidya property or be a member of a vidya's universe.
    • Example 1: Saxton Hale and Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2) are eligible even though they appeared in the comics first.
    • Example 2: Danganronpa series also includes characters who first appeared in the Danganronpa 3 sequel anime (e.g. Chisa Yukizome, Juzo Sakakura)
    • Example 3: Android 21 (Dragon Ball franchise) is eligible because she debuted in the fighting game Dragon Ball FighterZ, while mainline manga characters like Goku and Vegeta do not.
  • Characters must be sentient (i.e. no inanimate objects / weapons unless they can talk or think on their own. Sorry L-Block.)
  • Characters whose gender is neither female nor male (sexless, unknown / ambiguous, gender-fluid, or can possess both sexes) are eligible for both King and Queen tournaments. However, if the character was successfully nominated for the Queen contest, then they cannot be entered into the King contest.
  • No depictions or caricatures of real-life people. (E.g. JFK from Call of Duty Zombies, Gandhi from Civilization, Charles Barkley from Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden)
  • No fanmade characters (e.g. Coldsteel the Hedgeheg)
  • Unreleased games are not allowed, but episodic games that are not fully finished yet (e.g. Deltarune) are eligible.
  • FOTM Rule: All characters must be at least one month old. This means that a character is ineligible if their game was first released, or the character first appeared on 2021 October 1 or later.
  • No Grandfather Clause - just because a character qualified for the main bracket once doesn't mean that they'll be allowed again
  • The Elite Eight of /v/'s 2019 King contest will be eligible for this edition after serving their temporary ban in 2020: Doomguy, Kazuma Kiryu, Phoenix Wright, Heavy, Solid Snake, Duke Nukem, and Wario.

Excluded Characters[edit]

Characters who reached the Elite Eight of the previous tournament are temporarily ineligible this year; they will be eligible for nomination next contest. Tournament champions, on the other hand, are permanently retired and will be banned for future editions.

2020 Elite Eight (Will be eligible next contest)
2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Raiden Travis Touchdown Vergil JC Denton Jetstream Sam Miles Edgeworth Scout
Metal Gear Solid No More Heroes Devil May Cry Deus Ex Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Ace Attorney Team Fortress 2
King of /v/alhalla (PERMANENTLY RETIRED)
2019 2020
Senator Armstrong Dante
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Devil May Cry

Qualifying Results[edit]

Live nomination list: Google Docs
Results (w/ votes): Google Sheets
A total of 968 nominees were successfully nominated.

All nominees will be subject into a single qualifying poll, where voters select any number of nominees that they want to advance into the main bracket (approval vote). 128 contestants with the highest votes - excluding those over the series limit - will qualify.

  • Voters can change their choices here, but only for this round.
  • If the 128th and higher spots are accessible for multiple characters with the same amount of votes, whoever gets the spot will be decided on either a wheel spin or whoever character got the 10 replies first.

Series Limit: Only the top three (3) characters with the highest votes in the qualifying poll will be entered and the rest will be disqualified.

  • Spin-offs are treated as separate series if they have 2 or more installments. Examples: Shin Megami Tensei -- Persona, Drakengard -- Nier.
  • For crossover series, each character will be based on which series they originally appeared in. If their original appearance was in that crossover, they will be entered under that name instead,


Polling Error Notice: Shortly after the round 1 poll was posted, it was revealed that Ichiban Kasuga, the 3rd rep of Yakuza series, was actually a mistake; rather it was Template:Daisaku Kuze who actually qualified instead of him. Fortunately, this error occured early in the round, and Ichiban was replaced with Kuze in the poll. As a result, Ichiban's prior votes were retroactively added to Kuze's tally.

Advanced to Main Bracket (128)
Seed Character Name Franchise / Series Votes
01 Doomguy Doom 411
02 Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 390
03 Spamton Undertale / Deltarune 374
04 Solid Snake Metal Gear 347
05 Baba Baba Is You 340
06 Kirby Kirby 335
07 Solaire Dark Souls 334
08 Wario WarioWare 328
09 Gordon Freeman Half-Life 327
10 Heavy Team Fortress 2 324
11 Coach Left 4 Dead 323
12 Kazuma Kiryu Yakuza 322
13 Leon Kennedy Resident Evil 319
14 Chaos Final Fantasy I 314
15 Revolver Ocelot Metal Gear 313
16 Dr. Eggman Sonic the Hedgehog 308
17 Big Boss Metal Gear 306
18 G-Man Half-Life 304
19 The Batter Off 303
20 Soldier Team Fortress 2 301
21 Garland Final Fantasy I 300
22 CJ Grand Theft Auto 294
23 King Dedede Kirby 292
24 Agent 47 Hitman 287
25 Goro Majima Yakuza 286
26 Alucard Castlevania 284
27 Spy Team Fortress 2 281
28 Demi-fiend Shin Megami Tensei 277
29 Jack Frost Shin Megami Tensei
30 Albert Wesker Resident Evil 275
31 The Knight Hollow Knight 274
32 Grimm Black Souls 272
33 Dracula Castlevania 267
34 Simon Belmont Castlevania 266
35 Ridley Metroid 264
36 Chris Redfield Resident Evil
37 Nero Devil May Cry 262
38 Battler Ushiromiya Umineko (When the Seagulls Cry) 258
39 Roland LobCorp / Ruina 252
40 Dick Gumshoe Ace Attorney 248
41 Big Smoke Grand Theft Auto 246
42 Master Chief Halo
43 Duke Nukem Duke Nukem 242
44 Regigigas Pokemon
45 Cave Johnson Portal
46 Jevil Undertale / Deltarune 241
47 Morshu The Legend of Zelda 238
48 Impostor Among Us 235
49 Captain Falcon F-Zero 234
50 Meta Knight Kirby 233
51 Godot Ace Attorney 231
52 Pepsiman Pepsiman
53 Starwalker Undertale / Deltarune
54 "Fuhrer" Persona 2 229
55 Big Daddy BioShock 228
56 Shadow the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog
57 Helltaker Helltaker 227
58 Luigi Super Mario
59 Tom Nook Animal Crossing 225
60 Alex Eggleston YIIK: A Postmodern RPG
61 Asura Asura's Wrath 224
62 Neo Cortex Crash Bandicoot
63 Nick Left 4 Dead
64 Tohru Adachi Persona 4
65 Waluigi Super Mario 223
66 Postal Dude Postal
67 Bowser Super Mario
68 Link The Legend of Zelda 220
69 AM AM I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream (1995) 219
70 Niko Bellic Grand Theft Auto 218
71 Quote Cave Story 216
72 Not Important Hatred 215
73 Brad Armstrong Lisa: The Painful 214
74 Artorias Dark Souls
75 Frog Chrono Trigger 213
76 Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Country 210
77 Francis Left 4 Dead 209
78 Steve Minecraft 208
79 Ayin LobCorp / Ruina
80 Funky Kong Donkey Kong Country 207
81 Sekiro Sekiro 206
82 Adam Jensen Deus Ex 204
83 Isaac Clarke Dead Space 203
84 Gex Gex 202
85 Mr House Fallout
86 9S Nier 196
87 Ganon The Legend of Zelda 194
88 Cuphead Cuphead 193
89 The Hunter Bloodborne
90 Charles Mafia City 191
91 Rance Rance 190
92 Ancestor Darkest Dungeon
93 King K Rool Donkey Kong Country 189
94 Banjo Banjo-Kazooie
95 Papa Nier Nier 188
96 Harry Du Bois Disco Elysium
97 King Dice Cuphead 187
98 Max Payne Max Payne 186
99 Terry Bogard Fatal Fury
100 Joshua Graham Fallout 185
101 Ludwig Bloodborne 184
102 Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Fire Emblem 183
103 Ichiban Kasuga Template:Daisaku Kuze (see above) Yakuza 182
104 Dagoth Ur The Elder Scrolls
105 Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog
106 Sol Badguy Guilty Gear
107 Frank West Dead Rising
108 Dark Sun Gwyndolin Dark Souls
109 Crash Bandicoot Crash Bandicoot 181
110 Handsome Jack Borderlands
111 Mothman Shin Megami Tensei 180
112 Strelok S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
113 Henry Stickmin Henry Stickmin
114 Zagreus Hades (2020 RPG)
115 Mr. Game & Watch Game & Watch
116 Missile Ghost Trick 179
117 Reynauld Darkest Dungeon
118 Sissel Ghost Trick 178
119 Gene God Hand 177
120 King Of All Cosmos Katamari 175
121 Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII
122 Conker Conker's Bad Fur Day
123 Pyramid Head Silent Hill 174
124 Raven Beak Metroid
125 Rando Armstrong Lisa: The Painful
126 Mega Man Mega Man 173
127 Ryu Hayabusa Ninja Gaiden 172
128 Kratos God of War 170
Got 5th or below within your own franchise? Tough luck for you.
Seed Character Name Franchise / Series Votes
28 Engineer Team Fortress 2 278
30 Template:Medic (TF2) Team Fortress 2 276
31 Sundowner Metal Gear 274
33 Template:Demoman (TF2) Team Fortress 2 271
48 Template:Sniper (TF2) Team Fortress 2 237
49 Template:Saxton Hale Team Fortress 2 234
54 Sans Undertale/Deltarune 230
55 Template:Kris Dreemur Undertale/Deltarune 228
61 Template:Pyro (TF2) Team Fortress 2 224
68 Template:Berdley Undertale/Deltarune 220
76 Template:Monsoon (Metal Gear) Metal Gear 212
78 Template:Merchant (Resident Evil) Resident Evil 208
81 Template:Lancer Undertale/Deltarune 206
84 Papyrus Undertale/Deltarune 202
87 Template:Kazuhira Miller Metal Gear 195
90 Template:Ethan Winters Resident Evil 191
91 Template:Annoying Dog Undertale/Deltarune 190
95 HUNK Resident Evil 188
103 Ichiban Kasuga Yakuza 182
103 Template:Louis (L4D) Left 4 Dead
111 Template:Mettaton Undertale/Deltarune 180
111 Template:Rouxls Kaard Undertale/Deltarune
111 Mario Mario
120 Groose The Legend of Zelda 175
120 Template:Matador (SMT) Shin Megami Tensei
128 Template:Blade Wolf (Metal Gear) Metal Gear 170
Did not qualify? Try again next year.
Seed Character Name Franchise / Series Votes
129 Template:Nahobino Shin Megami Tensei 170
130 Ralsei Undertale/Deltarune
131 Isaac The Binding of Isaac 169
132 Template:Dismas Darkest Dungeon 168
133 Plague Knight Shovel Knight
134 Template:Argalia Lobotomy Corporation/Library of Ruina 167
135 Parappa Parappa the Rapper
136 Bomberman Bomberman 166
137 Giygas Mother
138 Lucas Mother 165

Tournament Format[edit]

Full bracket

To see what the bracket would have looked like if no series limit was enforced, click here. Format: Same format as before: 128 characters, single-elimination bracket. 7 rounds, 7 days. Characters are seeded based on their rankings in the qualifying poll.

  • Which means that in the first round, top seed plays the lowest seed, second-highest seed plays the second-lowest seed, and so on. The bracket is designed so that the top 2 seeds will only meet in the final, top 4 in semi-final, etc.
  • Each round lasts 24 hours after the link to the poll was posted. Countdowns are provided by the its.almo.st website.
  • If a match is tied in votes, the better-seeded contestant advances. If a tie occurs in the final, an extra runoff vote is held instead.
  • All guys who reach at least quarter-finals will be granted Elite Eight status, making them temporarily ineligible for King of /v/ 2022.
  • Losers of the quarter-finals will play a 4-way consolation match in order to rank from 5th-8th. This will take place during the semi-finals.
  • Semi-final losers will play each other at the final round to decide 3rd place.
  • Lastly, the winner of the final match will ascend into /v/alhalla as the 2021 King of /v/, and will permanently retire from the tournament.

Voting policy:[edit]

  • You must log-in to a Gmail account in order to vote. All emails will be anonymous to the organizer and other voters.
  • You must answer one or more questions related to 4chan and /v/ culture before you can access the voting form.
  • You must vote on all match-ups. In other words, no abstaining.
  • You cannot change your votes for the entire bracket You can change your votes at any time.
  • You must answer one or more Captchas before you can submit your votes.

Tournament Bracket[edit]

Google Polls Results: Round 1 - Round 2 - Round 3 - Round 4 - Quarters - Semis - Final
Responses per Round: 1159 > 1207 > 1138 > 1456 > 1348 > 1221 > 1418

Bracket A[edit]

Bracket A
Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Sweet 16
1 Doomguy 928
128 Kratos 231
1 Doomguy 700
64 Tohru Adachi 679 64 Tohru Adachi 507
65 Waluigi 480
1 Doomguy 680
32 Grimm 599 33 Dracula 458
97 King Dice 560 32 Grimm 520
33 Dracula 687
33 Dracula 744
96 Harry Du Bois 415
--- 1 Doomguy 616
16 Dr. Eggman 915 16 Dr. Eggman 840
113 Henry Stickmin 244
16 Dr. Eggman 857
49 Captain Falcon 744 49 Captain Falcon 350
80 Funky Kong 415 16 Dr. Eggman 654
17 Big Boss 484
17 Big Boss 839
112 Strelok 320 17 Big Boss 913
81 Sekiro 294
48 Impostor 514
81 Sekiro 645

Bracket B[edit]

Bracket B
Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Sweet 16
8 Wario 783
121 Sephiroth 376
8 Wario 737
57 Helltaker 554 72 Not Important 470
72 Not Important 605
8 Wario 609
25 Goro Majima 643 25 Goro Majima 529
104 Dagoth Ur 516 25 Goro Majima 699
40 Dick Gumshoe 508
40 Dick Gumshoe 715
89 The Hunter 444
--- 8 Wario 798
9 Gordon Freeman 601 73 Brad Armstrong 658
120 King Of All Cosmos 558
9 Gordon Freeman 565
56 Shadow the Hedgehog 523 73 Brad Armstrong 642
73 Brad Armstrong 636 73 Brad Armstrong 582
24 Agent 47 556
24 Agent 47 744
105 Sonic the Hedgehog 415 24 Agent 47 682
41 Big Smoke 525
41 Big Smoke 778
88 Cuphead 381

Bracket C[edit]

Bracket C
Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Sweet 16
4 Solid Snake 776
125 Rando Armstrong 383
4 Solid Snake 775
61 Asura 604 61 Asura 432
68 Link 555
4 Solid Snake 660
29 Jack Frost 677 29 Jack Frost 478
100 Joshua Graham 482 29 Jack Frost 695
36 Chris Redfield 512
36 Chris Redfield 724
93 King K Rool 435
--- 4 Solid Snake 669
13 Leon Kennedy 766 13 Leon Kennedy 787
116 Missile 393
13 Leon Kennedy 665
52 Pepsiman 796 52 Pepsiman 542
77 Francis 363 13 Leon Kennedy 702
20 Soldier 436
20 Soldier 779
109 Crash Bandicoot 380 20 Soldier 828
45 Cave Johnson 379
45 Cave Johnson 722
84 Gex 437

Bracket D[edit]

Bracket D
Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Sweet 16
5 Baba 705
124 Raven Beak 454
5 Baba 565
60 Alex Eggleston 364 69 AM AM 642
69 AM AM 795
69 AM AM 589
28 Demi-fiend 712 28 Demi-fiend 549
101 Ludwig 447 28 Demi-fiend 684
37 Nero 523
37 Nero 711
92 Ancestor 448
--- 69 AM AM 636
12 Kazuma Kiryu 886 12 Kazuma Kiryu 820
117 Reynauld 273
12 Kazuma Kiryu 786
53 Starwalker 391 76 Donkey Kong 421
76 Donkey Kong 768 12 Kazuma Kiryu 799
21 Garland 339
21 Garland 633
108 Dark Sun Gwyndolin 526 21 Garland 610
44 Regigigas 597
44 Regigigas 645
85 Mr House 514

Bracket E[edit]

Bracket E
Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Sweet 16
2 Phoenix Wright 820
127 Ryu Hayabusa 339
2 Phoenix Wright 664
63 Nick 465 66 Postal Dude 543
66 Postal Dude 694
2 Phoenix Wright 708
31 The Knight 563 98 Max Payne 430
98 Max Payne 596 98 Max Payne 689
34 Simon Belmont 518
34 Simon Belmont 681
95 Papa Nier 478
--- 2 Phoenix Wright 702
15 Revolver Ocelot 786 47 Morshu 754
114 Zagreus 373
15 Revolver Ocelot 846
50 Meta Knight 703 50 Meta Knight 361
79 Ayin 456 15 Revolver Ocelot 540
47 Morshu 598
18 G-Man 661
111 Mothman 498 18 G-Man 446
47 Morshu 761
47 Morshu 727
82 Adam Jensen 432

Bracket F[edit]

Bracket F
Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Sweet 16
7 Solaire 861
122 Conker 298
7 Solaire 664
58 Luigi 703 58 Luigi 543
71 Quote 456
7 Solaire 555
26 Alucard 810 90 Charles 583
103 Template:Daisaku Kuze 349314+35 26 Alucard 598
90 Charles 609
39 Roland 484
90 Charles 675
--- 90 Charles 691
10 Heavy 661 10 Heavy 765
119 Gene 498
10 Heavy 785
55 Big Daddy 586 55 Big Daddy 422
74 Artorias 573 10 Heavy 713
23 King Dedede 425
23 King Dedede 678
106 Sol Badguy 481 23 King Dedede 643
42 Master Chief 564
42 Master Chief 649
87 Ganon 510

Bracket G[edit]

Bracket G
Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Sweet 16
3 Spamton 581
126 Mega Man 578
3 Spamton 631
62 Neo Cortex 673 62 Neo Cortex 576
67 Bowser 486
3 Spamton 582
30 Albert Wesker 611 30 Albert Wesker 556
99 Terry Bogard 548 30 Albert Wesker 619
35 Ridley 588
35 Ridley 800
94 Banjo 359
--- 3 Spamton 632
14 Chaos 665 19 The Batter 824
115 Mr. Game & Watch 494
14 Chaos 567
51 Godot 725 51 Godot 640
78 Steve 434 51 Godot 467
19 The Batter 671
19 The Batter 776
110 Handsome Jack 383 19 The Batter 725
83 Isaac Clarke 482
46 Jevil 465
83 Isaac Clarke 694

Bracket H[edit]

Bracket H
Round of 128 Round of 64 Round of 32 Sweet 16
6 Kirby 684
123 Pyramid Head 475
6 Kirby 722
59 Tom Nook 482 70 Niko Bellic 485
70 Niko Bellic 677
6 Kirby 592
27 Spy 664 91 Rance 546
102 Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd 495 27 Spy 527
91 Rance 680
38 Battler Ushiromiya 516
91 Rance 643
--- 6 Kirby 586
11 Coach 727 54 "Fuhrer" 870
118 Sissel 432
11 Coach 425
54 "Fuhrer" 873 54 "Fuhrer" 782
75 Frog 286 54 "Fuhrer" 741
43 Duke Nukem 397
22 CJ 718
107 Frank West 441 22 CJ 583
43 Duke Nukem 624
43 Duke Nukem 820
86 9S 339

Elite Eight[edit]

Elite Eight
Quarter-finals Semi-finals Final
16 Dr. Eggman 746
8 Wario 602
16 Dr. Eggman 668
13 Leon Kennedy 619 12 Kazuma Kiryu 553
12 Kazuma Kiryu 729 16 Dr. Eggman 659
19 The Batter 759
47 Morshu 755
10 Heavy 593 47 Morshu 557
19 The Batter 664 3rd place match
19 The Batter 831 12 Kazuma Kiryu 822
54 "Fuhrer" 517 47 Morshu 596

5th to 8th[edit]

5th-8th Match Result
Name 5th 6th 7th 8th Total
Wario (5th) 452 347 234 188 1221
Leon Kennedy (6th) 190 445 411 175
Heavy (7th) 259 296 412 254
"Fuhrer" (8th) 344 123 156 598



  • The Alliances (Schizo, Merchant, Daddy, Femboy, etc.)
  • Spamton (Deltarune) and Garland (Final Fantasy I) being vocal favorites
  • Battler, Rance, and the "sacred ointment"

External links[edit]

4chan archived threads[edit]

Archived thread links:


4chan Tournaments
/co/mics & cartoons Ms. /co/ 2018201920202021202220232024
Mr. /co/ 2018201920202021202220232024
/v/idya Queen 201920202021202220232024
King 201920202021202220232024
King of /v/ 2021
Finalists The Batter • 2nd Dr. Eggman
Semi-finalists 3rd Kazuma Kiryu • 4th Morshu
Quarter-finalists 5th Wario • 6th Leon Kennedy • 7th Heavy • 8th Nyarlathotep
Round 4 (Top 16) AM AM Brad Armstrong Charles Doomguy Kirby Phoenix Wright Solid Snake Spamton
Round 3 (Top 32) Agent 47 Albert Wesker Big Boss Demi-fiend Dracula Duke Nukem Garland Godot Goro Majima Jack Frost King Dedede Max Payne Rance Revolver Ocelot Solaire Soldier
Round 2 (Top 64) Alucard Asura Baba Big Daddy Big Smoke Captain Falcon CJ Cave Johnson Chaos Master Chief Chris Redfield Coach Donkey Kong Dick Gumshoe G-Man Gordon Freeman Grimm Isaac Clarke Luigi Meta Knight Neo Cortex Nero Niko Bellic Not Important Pepsiman Postal Dude Regigigas Ridley Sekiro Simon Belmont Spy Tohru Adachi
Round 1 (Top 128) 9S Adam Jensen Alex Eggleston Ancestor Artorias Ayin Banjo Battler Ushiromiya Bowser Conker Crash Bandicoot Cuphead Dagoth UrTemplate:Daisaku Kuze Dark Sun Gwyndolin Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Francis Frank West Frog Funky KongTemplate:Ganondorf Gene Gex Handsome Jack Harry Du Bois Helltaker Henry Stickmin Impostor Jevil Joshua Graham King Dice King K RoolTemplate:King of All Cosmos Kratos Link Ludwig Mega Man Missile Mothman Mr. Game & Watch Mr House Nick Papa Nier Pyramid Head Quote Rando Armstrong Raven Beak Reynauld Roland Ryu Hayabusa Sephiroth Shadow the Hedgehog Sissel Sol Badguy Sonic the Hedgehog Starwalker Steve Strelok Terry Bogard The Hunter The Knight Tom Nook Waluigi Zagreus
Excluded by Series Limit EngineerTemplate:Medic (TF2) SundownerTemplate:Demoman (TF2)Template:Sniper (TF2)Template:Saxton Hale SansTemplate:Kris DreemurTemplate:Pyro (TF2)Template:BerdleyTemplate:Monsoon (Metal Gear)Template:Merchant (Resident Evil)Template:Lancer PapyrusTemplate:Kazuhira MillerTemplate:Ethan WintersTemplate:Annoying Dog HUNK Ichiban KasugaTemplate:Louis (L4D)Template:MettatonTemplate:Rouxls Kaard Mario GrooseTemplate:Matador (SMT)Template:Blade Wolf (Metal Gear)
Did not qualify Template:Nahobino Ralsei IsaacTemplate:Dismas Plague KnightTemplate:Argalia Parappa Bomberman Giygas Lucas
King of /v/
Tournaments 201920202021202220232024
Champions Senator Armstrong Dante The Batter Jack Garland Grimm Shadow the Hedgehog
Elite Eight
Bold indicates semifinalist status. Bold underlined indicates finishing as runner-up at least once.
AM AM Albert Wesker Demi-fiend Doomguy Duke Nukem Dr. Eggman "Fuhrer" Heavy Jack Frost JC Denton Jetstream Sam John Ward Kazuma Kiryu Leon Kennedy Luigi Miles Edgeworth Morshu Neo Cortex Peppino Phoenix Wright Raiden Rayman Scout Solid Snake Travis Touchdown Vergil Wario
Qualified Characters
Adam Jensen Agent 47 Ancestor Ayin Baba Banjo Battler Ushiromiya Brad Armstrong Captain Falcon Charles Chris Redfield Christopher Robin CJ Coach Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Doc Louis Dracula Engineer Frank West Frog Gene Geralt of Rivia Giygas Gordon Freeman Goro Majima Harry Du Bois Hollow Knight Isaac Clarke Isaac Kleiner Jacket James Sunderland Jevil Joshua Graham JPEG Dog Kefka King Boo King Dedede King Of All Cosmos Kirby Little Mac Luka Mario Max Payne Meta Knight Pepsiman Postal Dude Rance Regigigas Revolver Ocelot Ridley Roland Sekiro Soldier Spamton Spy The Hunter The Knight Tohru Adachi Waluigi Zero
Other Characters
Claptrap Philemon Yugi
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