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Wendy's Mascot

From 4chan Tournaments Wiki

A fanart depicting smug Wendy. Art by vSock.

The official mascot and logo of the American fast food restaurant chain Wendy's is a red-haired, freckled young girl wearing a smile, pigtails, and white-blue striped dress. She is based on the real-life person Wendy Thomas, the daughter of the restaurant's founder Dave Thomas.

Although she is mostly known as a brand identity, the Wendy's mascot was nominated in Miss /co/ 2020 because of her appearances in the restaurant's animated commercials, making her technically allowed in the contest. She managed to qualify for the bracket as a 105th seed where she lost to Starfire. Because of her 2020 appearance, she will be allowed for future editions under the grandfather clause.

However, the mascot's popularity online may be attributed more to her Twitter account instead, which gained fame for its "savage" and witty responses, and spawned an online fan art craze wherein many artists drew Wendy as a sexualized smug anime girl. The character also indirectly influenced the nominations of other advertisement-based characters in later /co/ tournaments, such as Morton Salt Girl and Pepperidge Farm's Goldfish Crackers (Brooke and Coral).


Ms. /co/ 2020 - seed 105

  • R1: (24) Starfire @ DC Comics 267 - 563 (32.2%)


Ms. /co/
Tournaments 20182019202020212022202320242025
Champions Jenny XJ9 Spinel Dr. Mrs. The Monarch Betty Boop Fang Wuya Frankie Foster
Elite Eight
Bold indicates semifinalist status. Bold underlined indicates finishing as runner-up at least once.
Alex Azula Black Canary Blackfire Chel Clover ENA Eris EVE Harley Quinn Helen Parr Hilda Johanna Jucika Kim Possible Lord Dominator Marceline Miss Bellum Miss Pauling Mrs. Brisby Muriel Bagge Nani Pelekai Nicole Watterson Pearl Peridot Pomni Queen Tyr'ahnee Raven Shirley the Medium Starfire Shego Toph Beifong Velma Dinkley
Qualified Characters
Alice Amelia Bedelia Amity Anne Boonchuy Ariel Ashi Aunt Cass Beatrice Candace Flynn Captain Amelia‎ Creepy Susie Charlie Magne Coraline Death Demencia Dexter's Mom Eda Clawthorne Emmy Giffany Gwen (TD) Gwen Tennyson Gwenpool Hekapoo Izzy Jackie Lynn Thomas Jessica Rabbit Karen Kim Pine Leni Loud Librarian Lola Bunny Loona Luz Noceda Marcy Wu Marie (CotC) Marie Kanker Mira Miko Kubota Millie Noodle Pacifica Northwest Propane Princess Marco Rapunzel Ruby Rose Sasha Waybright Slappy Squirrel Snowman Star Butterfly Tak Tiff Crust Ty Lee Vanessa Doofenshmirtz Wendy Corduroy Wendy's MascotZatanna
Other Characters
Goldfish Crackers (Coral) • Incidental 87’s Mother
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