Ty Lee is a character from the Nickelodeon animated TV series Avatar: The Last Airbender. She was introduced as a secondary antagonist who is a part of Azula's trio alongside Mai, which is colloquially dubbed by fans as "Ozai's Angels". Ty Lee is a highly agile fighter who mainly utilizes "chi-blocking", a technique that involves striking the opponent's pressure points throughout their bodies in order to paralyze them and disable their bending. However, she is perhaps better known for her busty figure, which was showcased in the beach episode during the show's third season. As a result, Ty Lee has become a long-standing fan favorite female in the whole series.
Her talents have carried well into the Ms. /co/ tournaments, where she established herself as a contender because of her association with the series and as a notable /co/omer pick; on the other hand, detractors have dismissed Ty Lee's supporters as "pedophiles" due to her young age. She has appeared in three main brackets, and has advanced to the fourth round in her first two appearances, losing to Pearl in 2019 and EVE in 2020. She returned in the 2021 contest where she was largely predicted to reach the same round again, but she fell victim to Total Drama'sGwen in just the first round. Ty Lee will next appear in Ms. /co/ 2022.