Chris McLean
Chris McLean is the main antagonist of the Canadian animated series Total Drama. He is a sadistic and sociopathic host of the eponymous program who likes to make the competitors suffer for his own amusement through designing overly difficult and/or disgusting challenges. Chris is often accompanied by his buff best friend Chef Hatchet.
As a competitor, Chris has appeared in two contests to date starting in Mr. /co/lympus 2018, where he was seeded 126th and promptly lost to Aku. The host returned in Mr. /co/lympus 2020 but failed to qualify in the bracket; nevertheless he became one of the major characters in that year's role-playing arc as he was extensively portrayed by a user named "Chris Anon". Chris would finally make his second bracket appearance in 2021, but he lost again to a much more menacing villain in the form of Katz, who sought to establish his own property called "Katz Island".