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Sam (Sam & Max)

From 4chan Tournaments Wiki

Sam is one of the two titular characters of the Sam & Max franchise created by Steve Purcell. Having originally appared in a 1987 comic book series, the character has since been the subject of a graphic adventure video game developed by LucasArts, a television series, and a series of episodic adventure games developed by Telltale Games. A member of the Freelance Police, Sam comes off as more level headed and less violent than his long time partner Max, usually depicted as being very calm, rational and collected, preferring to solve things diplomatically rather than always resorting to violence.

Outside of the main tourney, Sam made his first /co/mpetition victory in the inaugural 2019 Tag-Team tournament.

Tournament History[edit]

In a similar fashion to Max, Sam is generally perceived as a weak contender. He made his first Mr. /co/lympus year in 2020, taking the 91st seed, and was pitted against the eventual Mr. /co/lympus 2021 winner General Grievous. While Sam would still lose the round and wasn't expected to do very well facing a heavy hitter at the very start of the tourney, he was able to amass a considerable amount of fan art and campaigning, giving him a boost in votes. Sam would fail to qualify the following year. He qualified once more in 2022. Despite once again losing in the first round, this time to Red Guy from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, his partner Max would pull a surprise run into the Elite Eight that year. Unfortunately, Sam would fail to earn another tournament berth the year following his partner's success.

Perhaps Sam's most impressive showing to this day is his victory of the 2019 Tag-Team tournament, being one half of the iconic duo Freelance Police, alongside his pal Max.

Sam will eligible to participate again in 2024.


Mr. /co/lympus[edit]

Mr. /co/lympus
2020 - seed 91
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 (38) General Grievous Star Wars: Clone Wars 294 - 316 48.2%
2022 - seed 111
Round 1 (20) Red Guy Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 245 - 261 48.4%

King of /v/[edit]

King of /v/
2022 - seed 111
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 (82) Funky Kong Donkey Kong 664 - 569 53.8%
Round 2 (18) Scout Team Fortress 2 508 - 886 36.4%


Tag-Team Tournament
2019: Freelance Police - Sam / Max
Round Opponent Members Series Pct. For
Round 1 Parental Supervision Father / Wicked Stepmother Codename: Kids Next Door / Cinderella %
Round 2 The Jimmy-Timmy Power Hour Timmy Turner / Jimmy Neutron Fairly-Odd Parents / Jimmy Neutron %
Round 3 Calvin and Hobbes Calvin / Hobbes Calvin and Hobbes %
Round 4 Cracking Cheese Lovers Wallace / Gromit Wallace and Gromit %
Semi-finals Samurai and Sunglasses Samurai Jack / Johnny Bravo Samurai Jack / Johnny Bravo %
Finals Duck Dinasty Donald Duck / Daffy Duck Disney / Looney Tunes %


Mr. /co/lympus
Tournaments 20182019202020212022202320242025
Champions Johnny Bravo Kronk Tom Cat General Grievous Zorak Skeletor Spider-Man
Elite Eight
Bold indicates semifinalist status. Bold underlined indicates finishing as runner-up at least once.
Aku Batman Bugs Bunny Captain America Carl Brutananadilewski Courage Daffy Duck Dale Gribble Eustace Bagge Farquaad Grim Hank Hill Heinz Doofenshmirtz Hugh Neutron Iroh Joker J. Jonah Jameson Kermit the Frog Kuzco Marvin the Martian Max Mr. Incredible Optimus Prime Popeye Plankton Samurai Jack Shaggy SpongeBob Squidward Superman Wallace WALL-E Xavier Zim
Qualified Characters
Alastor Benson Bill Cipher Black Hat Captain Silver Candlejohn Chris McLean Commissioner Gordon Dan Dick Dastardly Doctor Doom Donald Duck Double D Robotnik Dr. Livesey Duck Ed Eddy Felix the Cat Fred Jones Gaston Jack Skellington Jack Spicer Lord Hater Lord Shen Master Shake Megamind Megatron Mickey Mouse Mojo Jojo Mr. Boss Mung Daal Omni-ManOswald the Lucky Rabbit Plank Professor Utonium Rorschach Ruber Sam Scrooge McDuck Shrek Simon Laurent Sneed Spear Starscream The Monarch Twig Uncle Ruckus (No relation) Wirt Zoidberg Zuko
Other Characters
Carl (Dragged In)Guy GagnéJohn BlacksadKent MansleyMarco DiazRamesesThe Emperor of MankindWilkins
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