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Queen of /v/

From 4chan Tournaments Wiki

The Queen of /v/ tournament is an annual character tournaments organized by the /v/ - Video Games board in the imageboard website 4chan.

Queens of /v/alhalla[edit]

Queens of /v/alhalla (PERMANENTLY RETIRED)
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Samus Aran Reimu Hakurei Recette Lemongrass Midna Curly Brace
Metroid Touhou Project Recettear The Legend of Zelda Cave Story


Queen of /v/ Editions
Edition Date Nom# Host(s) Winner Elite Eight
2019 Sep 12 - Sep 21 128 Bracket Anon (no tripcode) Samus Aran
2nd - 8th
2nd Fio Germi
3rd Midna
4th Maya Fey
5th GLaDOS
6th Princess Peach
7th Shantae
8th Roll
2020 Nov 10 - Nov 20 405 TagTeamAnon !iho9VEaVKs
sheets anon !9cL9Yj0zKI
Reimu Hakurei
(Touhou Project)
2nd - 8th
2nd Tifa Lockhart
3rd Amaterasu
4th 2B
5th Cirno
6th Chun-Li
7th Morrigan Aensland
8th Aigis
2021 Nov 6 - Nov 16 779 Dominos Anon !w86bRI0tYM
NightShiftAnon !!9A2duD1C25+
PenisAnon !KoAd713y0Q
2nd - 8th
2nd Madotsuki
3rd Marisa Kirisame
4th Rollx2
5th Alice
6th Curly Brace
7th Fio Germi x2
8th Shantaex2
2022 Nov 11 - Nov 21 1104 NightShiftAnon !!9A2duD1C25+
BallsAnon !th0DR5qBxs
GhostAnon !!eh0Fgi0FQSV
(The Legend of Zelda)
2nd - 8th
2nd Hornet
3rd GLaDOSx2
4th Alipheese
5th Ashley
6th Maya Feyx2
7th Ranni the Witch
8th Morrigan Aenslandx2
2023 Nov 3 - Nov 15 1350 BallsAnon !!TSeJH+Shkly
Coayynon !!HfHRhjBcrKX
Ghost !!eh0Fgi0FQSV
NightShiftAnon !!9A2duD1C25+
Penisanon !KoAd713y0Q
Samaritanon !!LKu0yr+rtFu
Curly Brace
(Cave Story)
2nd - 8th
2nd Amaterasux2
3rd Rollx3
4th Bayonetta
5th Malon
6th Fio Germix3
7th Ashley Graham
8th Taokaka
Queen of /v/ 2019
Finalists Samus Aran • 2nd Fio Germi
Semi-finalists 3rd Midna • 4th Maya Fey
Quarter-finalists 5th GLaDOS • 6th Princess Peach • 7th Shantae • 8th Roll
Round 4 (Top 16) Aigis Amaterasu Cynthia Hatsune Miku Jill Stingray Jill Valentine Morrigan Tifa Lockhart
Round 3 (Top 32) Agnes Oblige Bad Girl Bayonetta Catherine Chun-Li Futaba Sakura Gum Hanako Ikezawa Hat Kid Juri Han Kumatora Nia Risky Boots Rosalina Sadayo Kawakami Zelda
Round 2 (Top 64) Adeleine Arcueid Brunestud Aya Brea Blaze the Cat Cacodemon Camilla Charlotte Aulin Chie Satonaka Chu Chu Claire Redfield Coco Bandicoot Curly Brace Princess Daisy Edea Lee Hsien-Ko Isabelle Karin Kanzuki Kyoko Linkle Lucina Lyn Menat Poison Rouge the Bat Sakura Kasugano Sakuya Izayoi Squigly Tae Takemi Terra Branford Terry Bogard ♀ Tracer Yuffie Kisaragi
Round 1 (Top 128) Aerith Gainsborough Alice (SMT) Alicia Claus Aloy Ashelin Praxis Bernadetta von Varley Cadence Cammy White Celes Chere Celica Cirno Captain Syrup Princess Daphne Dark Samus D.Va Edea Kramer Ellie Emerald Herald Emi Ibarazaki Faris Scherwiz Felicia Commander Shepard ♀ Flonne Garnet Til Alexandros XVII Hinoka Jade Junko Enoshima Kazooie Kid Lady Lammy Lara Croft Leona Lilith Lilly Satou Lucca Madotsuki Marianne von Edmund Marina Liteyears Megumi Min Min Mipha Misako Monika Ms. Fortune Ms. Pac Man Natsuki Neptune NiGHTS Nikki Pikachu Libre Plague Doctor Purple Puffle Rin Tezuka Rise Kujikawa Sable Saori Nako Sophia Esteed Susie Taokaka Tristana Ulala Undyne Xion
Excluded by Series Limit Template:Nanako
Did not qualify 2BTemplate:Ajna Marisa KirisameTemplate:Sayori
Queen of /v/ 2020
Finalists Reimu Hakurei • 2nd Tifa Lockhart
Semi-finalists 3rd Amaterasu • 4th 2B
Quarter-finalists 5th Cirno • 6th Chun-Li • 7th Morrigan • 8th Aigis
Round 4 (Top 16) Cammy White Cynthia Hilda Mia Fey Palutena Rosalina Tron Bonne Zelda
Round 3 (Top 32) YoRHa Type A No. 2 Ada Wong Ashley Bayonetta Chie Satonaka Curly Brace Princess Daisy Filia Gardevoir Hornet Inkling Kat Lucifer Malon May Sakura Kasugano
Round 2 (Top 64) Aerith Gainsborough Amy Rose Android 21 Catherine Cerberus Chell Chiaki Nanami Claire Redfield Coco Bandicoot Dark Samus Epona Felicia Fire Keeper Franziska von Karma Gebura Heather Mason Jill Valentine Juri Han Lady Maria Lucina Mai Shiranui Maiden in Black Mipha Mythra Naoto Shirogane Plain Doll Pyra Risky Boots Rouge the Bat Sorceress Tharja The Boss
Round 1 (Top 128) Adeleine Alice (SMT) Alyx Vance Angela Ankha Arle Ayla Beatrice Binah Blaze the Cat Callie Cortana Dorothy Elizabeth Elizabeth Eri Kasamoto Etna Gruntilda Gum Hat Kid Illyasviel von Einzbern Isabelle Ivy Valentine Jill Stingray Judgement (Helltaker) Junko Enoshima Justice Kaine Kumatora Kyoko Kirigiri Lady Lara Croft Lucca Lyn Mama Marie Marina Marisa Kirisame May (Guilty Gear) Mei Min Min Misery Monika Ms. Fortune Ms. Pac Man Muffet Nia Nico Goldstein Nobeta Nurse Pauline Peacock Reporter Rottytops SHODAN Splash Woman Sue Sakamoto Susie Tali'Zorah nar Rayya Taokaka Trish Twintelle Vibri Zoey
Excluded by Series Limit Dawn Futaba SakuraTemplate:Haru p5Template:ImpaTemplate:LusamineTemplate:MakotoTemplate:MarnieTemplate:NessaTemplate:Panther p5 Sadayo KawakamiTemplate:SerenaTemplate:UrbosaTemplate:VaporeonTemplate:Yukari p3
Did not qualify Alice AlipheeseTemplate:Aqua Ashley Graham Bad Girl Buddy CamillaTemplate:Clem Captain SyrupTemplate:Eliza sg EllieTemplate:Eva mg Hanako IkezawaTemplate:Ibuki Jack-O' Valentine Jade KOS-MOSTemplate:Lammy lamb MadotsukiTemplate:MarleTemplate:Maya p2Template:Medli Megumi Mei LingTemplate:Mika Mileena Morrigan AenslandTemplate:Parasoul PoisonTemplate:Queen HatredTemplate:Reisen Saber Sable Sakuya Izayoi Saria Susie Tae Takemi Temmie TracerTemplate:Vivan j Witch Xion
Queen of /v/ 2021
Finalists Recette • 2nd Madotsuki
Semi-finalists 3rd Marisa Kirisame • 4th Roll
Quarter-finalists 5th Alice • 6th Curly Brace • 7th Fio Germi • 8th Shantae
Round 4 (Top 16) Ashley Bayonetta Ebony & Ivory Fire Keeper Franziska von Karma Gebura Hornet Tron Bonne
Round 3 (Top 32) 5-Volt Cerberus Chie Satonaka Cynthia Flandre Scarlet GLaDOS Hex Maniac Justice Lucifer Mai Shiranui Palutena Plain Doll Rosalina Sorceress The Boss Zelda
Round 2 (Top 64) Alice (SMT) Alice (AliceSoft) Angela Ankha Beatrice Chell Dark Samus Dawn Etna Filia Gruntilda Illyasviel von Einzbern Jack-O' Valentine Kat Kazooie Lady Maria Marie Marina Maya Fey Midna Muffet Naoto Shirogane Neco-Arc Nia Nobeta Princess Peach Plague Doctor Ramlethal Valentine Remilia Scarlet Susie Taokaka Yuffie Kisaragi
Round 1 (Top 128) Ada Wong Adeleine Alice Liddell Amy Rose Android 21 Arcueid Brunestud Ayla Bernadetta von Varley Binah Blaze the Cat Callie Cammy White Chiaki Nanami Coco Bandicoot Princess Daisy Dorothy Elizabeth Elizabeth Eri Kasamoto Fang Felicia Girlfriend Gwynevere Hat Kid Io Isabelle Jill Stingray Jill Valentine Juri Han Kaine KOS-MOS Kumatora Lady Bow Lady Lady Dimitrescu Lain Iwakura Lilith Malon Mei Mercy Mia Fey Mistral Mona Monika Ms. Pac Man Miss Pauling Mythra Peacock Pixie Pyra Queen Risky Boots Rottytops Rouge the Bat Reisalin Stout Saber Spooky Sue Sakamoto Tali'Zorah nar Rayya Viper Vivian Wii Fit Trainer Witch Zoey
Excluded by Series Limit
Did not qualify
Queen of /v/ 2022
Finalists Midna • 2nd Hornet
Semi-finalists 3rd GLaDOS • 4th Alipheese
Quarter-finalists 5th Ashley • 6th Maya Fey • 7th Ranni the Witch • 8th Morrigan
Round 4 (Top 16) 2B Bayonetta Cirno Filia Gardevoir Hex Maniac Rouge the Bat Zelda
Round 3 (Top 32) Aigis Alice Liddell Amaterasu Baba Dark Samus Felicia Jill Valentine Kat Lucifer Marina Palutena Princess Peach Plain Doll Rosalina Tifa Lockhart Vibri
Round 2 (Top 64) Adeleine Alice (AliceSoft) Amy Rose Angela Ankha Buddy Chell Chun-Li Coco Bandicoot Crossbreed Priscilla Princess Daisy Dawn Etna Franziska von Karma Illyasviel von Einzbern Justice Lady Lady Maria Lain Iwakura Lusty Argonian Maid Malon Marie Mari Mia Fey Miss Pauling Neco-Arc Nia Pixie Plague Doctor Sorceress Spooky Tron Bonne Yuffie Kisaragi
Round 1 (Top 128) YoRHa Type A No. 2 Administrator AK-12 Alice (SMT) Alyx Vance Android 21 Beatrice Beelzebub Binah Blaze the Cat Cacodemon Cala Maria Callie Cammy White Chie Satonaka Claire Redfield Cortana Daisy Dorothy D.Va Ender Dragon Essex Fire Keeper Flandre Scarlet Gebura Gruntilda Gwynevere Hat Kid Ib Isabelle Jack-O' Valentine Jill Stingray Kaine Kazooie Krystal Kumatora Lady Dimitrescu Leaf Monika Muffet Nobeta Paula Peacock Pyra Pyro Rebecca Red Hood Renamon Rika Furude Roxanne Wolf Reisalin Stout Saber Splash Woman Sue Sakamoto Sunflower Susie Tali'Zorah nar Rayya The Boss Toriel Viper Viridi Witch Zoey
Excluded by Series Limit
Did not qualify


1st Champion
2nd Runner-up
3rd Semi-finals / 3rd place
4th Semi-finals / 4th place
5th-8th Quarter-finals
R4 Round 4 (Top 16)
R3 Round 3 (Top 32)
R2 Round 2 (Top 64)
R1 Round 1 (Top 128)
DNQ Nominated, but Did Not Qualify (not enough votes)
DNQ* Denied by Series Limit
x Skipped due to Elite 8 rule
BAN Ineligible
Blank cells indicate that the character was not nominated, or did not get enough (You)s to qualify.
Queen of /v/ Progress Table (up to round 3 only)
Name Apps Best #E8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Samus Aran 1 1st 1 1st
Reimu Hakurei 1 1st 1 1st
Recette 1 1st 1 1st
Midna 3 1st 2 3rd X R2 1st
Curly Brace 4 1st 2 R2 R3 6th X 1st
Fio Germi 3 2nd 3 2nd X 7th X 6th X
Tifa Lockhart 4 2nd 1 R4 2nd X R3 R4
Madotsuki 3 2nd 1 R1 DNQ 2nd X R1
Hornet 3 2nd 1 R3 R4 2nd X
Amaterasu 4 2nd 2 R4 3rd X R3 2nd X
Marisa Kirisame 2 3rd 1 R1 3rd X DNQ*
GLaDOS 3 3rd 2 5th X R3 3rd X
Roll 3 3rd 3 8th X 4th X 3rd X
Maya Fey 3 4th 2 4th X R2 6th X
2B 3 4th 1 4th X R4 R4
Alipheese 1 4th 1 DNQ DNQ 4th X
Bayonetta 5 4th 1 R3 R3 R4 R4 4th X
Cirno 4 5th 1 R1 5th X R4 R4
Alice 2 5th 1 DNQ 5th X R3
Ashley 3 5th 1 R3 R4 5th X
Malon 3 5th 1 R3 DNQ R2 5th X
Princess Peach 4 6th 1 6th X R2 R3 R2
Chun-Li 4 6th 1 R3 6th X R2 R1
Shantae 3 7th 2 7th X 8th X R3
Morrigan 3 7th 2 R4 7th X 8th X
Ranni the Witch 1 7th 1 7th X
Ashley Graham 1 7th 1 DNQ DNQ DNQ 7th X
Aigis 4 8th 1 R4 8th X R3 R1
Taokaka 4 8th 1 R1 R1 R2 DNQ 8th X
Jill Valentine 5 R4 R4 R2 R1 R3 R2
Cynthia 3 R4 R4 R4 R3 DNQ* DNQ*
Jill Stingray 5 R4 R4 R1 R1 R1 R1
Hatsune Miku 2 R4 R4 BAN BAN BAN R4
Zelda 5 R4 R3 R4 R3 R4 R1
Rosalina 5 R4 R3 R4 R3 R3 R2
Cammy White 5 R4 R1 R4 R1 R1 R4
Palutena 4 R4 R4 R3 R3 R4
Tron Bonne 4 R4 R4 R4 R2 R3
Mia Fey 4 R4 R4 R1 R2 R1
Hilda 1 R4 R4 DNQ* DNQ* DNQ*
Franziska von Karma 4 R4 R2 R4 R2 R1
Fire Keeper 4 R4 R2 R4 R1 R1
Gebura 4 R4 R2 R4 R1 R1
Ebony & Ivory 1 R4 R4 BAN BAN
Rouge the Bat 5 R4 R2 R2 R1 R4 R2
Filia 4 R4 R3 R2 R4 R2
Gardevoir 3 R4 R3 DNQ R4 R2
Hex Maniac 3 R4 R3 R4 R2
Muffet 4 R4 R1 R2 R1 R4
Neco-Arc 3 R4 R2 R2 R4
Hat Kid 5 R3 R3 R1 R1 R1 R2
Kumatora 5 R3 R3 R1 R1 R1 R1
Risky Boots 4 R3 R3 R2 R1 DNQ R3
Nia 4 R3 R3 R1 R1 R2 DNQ
Juri Han 3 R3 R3 R2 R1 DNQ
Catherine 2 R3 R3 R2 DNQ DNQ DNQ
Gum 2 R3 R3 R1 DNQ DNQ DNQ
Futaba Sakura 1 R3 R3 DNQ DNQ* DNQ DNQ
Bad Girl 1 R3 R3 DNQ DNQ DNQ DNQ
Hanako Ikezawa 1 R3 R3 DNQ DNQ DNQ DNQ
Sadayo Kawakami 1 R3 R3 DNQ DNQ DNQ
Agnes Oblige 1 R3 R3 DNQ
Chie Satonaka 4 R3 R2 R3 R3 R1 DNQ
Princess Daisy 4 R3 R2 R3 R1 R2 DNQ
Sakura Kasugano 2 R3 R2 R3 DNQ DNQ DNQ
Lucifer 4 R3 R3 R3 R3 R1
Kat 4 R3 R3 R2 R3 R2
Ada Wong 2 R3 R3 R1 DNQ* DNQ
YoRHa Type A No. 2 2 R3 R3 R1 DNQ
May 1 R3 R3 DNQ DNQ* DNQ
Inkling 1 R3 R3 DNQ
Plain Doll 4 R3 R2 R3 R3 R3
The Boss 4 R3 R2 R3 R1 R2
Justice 4 R3 R1 R3 R2 R1
Sorceress 3 R3 R2 R3 R2 DNQ
Mai Shiranui 2 R3 R2 R3 DNQ DNQ
Cerberus 2 R3 R2 R3
5-Volt 2 R3 R3 DNQ R3
Flandre Scarlet 1 R3 R3 R1
Felicia 5 R3 R1 R2 R1 R3 R3
Dark Samus 5 R3 R1 R2 R2 R3 R1
Marina 4 R3 R1 R2 R3 R2
Vibri 3 R3 R1 DNQ R3 R1
Alice Liddell 3 R3 DNQ R1 R3 R1
Baba 2 R3 R3 R3
Plague Doctor 4 R3 R1 R2 R2 R3
Junko Enoshima 3 R3 R1 R1 DNQ DNQ R3
Chell 4 R3 R2 R2 R2 R3
Beatrice 4 R3 R1 R2 R1 R3
Alice (AliceSoft) 3 R3 R2 R2 R3
Miss Pauling 3 R3 R1 R2 R3
Buddy 2 R3 R2 R3
JPEG Dog 1 R3 R3
Name Apps Best #E8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



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Queen of /v/
Tournaments 201920202021202220232024
Champions Samus Aran Reimu Hakurei Recette Midna Curly Brace Madotsuki
Elite Eight
Bold indicates a girl has achieved semifinalist status. Bold underlined indicates a girl finished runner-up at least once.
2B Ayla Ashley Ashley Graham Aigis Alipheese Alice Amaterasu Baiken Bayonetta Cirno Chun-Li Fio Germi GLaDOS Hex Maniac Hornet Malon Marisa Kirisame Maya Fey Hatsune Miku Morrigan Aensland Palutena Princess Peach Ranni the Witch Roll Shantae Taokaka Tifa Lockhart
Qualified characters
AK-12 Adeleine Angela Baba Beatrice Buddy Cammy White Chell Chie Satonaka Ebony & Ivory Essex Fang Felicia Filia Flandre Scarlet Franziska von Karma Gardevoir Gebura Glamrock Chica Gruntilda Hat Kid Illyasviel von Einzbern Jill Stingray Jill Valentine Kaine Kat Lady Lady Maria Mari Miss Pauling Monika Muffet Neco-Arc Peacock Pixie Plague Doctor Plain Doll The Princess Princess Daisy Pyro Red Hood Remilia Scarlet Rosalina Rouge the Bat Roxanne Wolf SHODAN Tali'Zorah nar Rayya The Boss Tron Bonne YoRHa Type A No. 2 Zelda
Other characters
Erika Furudo Koishi Komeiji
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