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2B Gallery

YoRHa No. 2 Type B, better known simply as 2B, is the main female protagonist of the 2017 video game Nier:Automata. She is a YoRHa android created to battle the machine lifeforms that have invaded the Earth on behalf of the surviving humans.

2B has become one of the most popular videogame characters in recent history thanks to her physical design, which has led to a multitude of sexualized fan arts posted online. Because of this, she has consistently appeared as a top seeded candidate in Queen of /v/, although she's far from being considered a fan-favorite among tourney-goers given her lack of presence and vocal support.

Tournament History[edit]

2B secured the first seed in the 2020 tournament, ultimately finishing fourth place after losing to Reimu in the semifinals and Amaterasu in the bronze medal match by a narrow margin.

2B would return in the 2022 tournament after her year long break. Qualifying as the #3 seeded contestant, she handily made it to round 4 after beating Chie, Nia, and Felicia. In the Sweet-16 match, she was put against Hornet, a character whom she had previously beat in a landslide back in 2020. However, 2B would end up losing the rematch to the bug princess by a definitive margin and miss the Elite Eight. Many were surprised to actually see her fall.

2B wouldn't fare much better the following year, suffering another round 4 exit after narrowly losing to 2019 runner-up Fio Germi.


Queen of /v/
2020 - Seed 1
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 (128) Susie Undertale / Deltarune 621 - 245 71.7%
Round 2 (64) Maiden in Black Demon's Souls 586 - 330 64%
Round 3 (32) Hornet Hollow Knight 599 - 379 61.2%
Round 4 (17) Palutena Kid Icarus 569 - 460 55.3%
Quarterfinals (8) Aigis Persona 610 - 486 55.7%
Semifinals (12) Reimu Hakurei Touhou Project 478 - 607 44.1%
3rd Place (38) Amaterasu Ōkami 690 - 699 49.7%
2022 - Seed 3
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 (126) Chie Satonaka Persona 1025 - 623 62.3%
Round 2 (67) Nia Xenoblade Chronicles 894 - 612 59.4%
Round 3 (99) Felicia Darkstalkers 706 - 539 56.7%
Round 4 (19) Hornet Hollow Knight 637 - 765 45.4%
2023 - Seed 10
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 (126) Gebura Lobotomy Corporation 646 - 459 62.3%
Round 2 (126) Jill Valentine Resident Evil 716 - 462 63.5%
Round 3 (99) Risky Boots Shantae 706 - 539 56.7%
Round 4 (19) Fio Germi Metal Slug 575 - 577 49.9%
2024 - Seed 14
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 (61) Alice Liddell American McGee's Alice 526 - 464 53.1%
Round 2 (34) The Princess Slay the Princess 527 - 586 47.3%


Queen of /v/ 2020
Finalists Reimu Hakurei • 2nd Tifa Lockhart
Semi-finalists 3rd Amaterasu • 4th 2B
Quarter-finalists 5th Cirno • 6th Chun-Li • 7th Morrigan • 8th Aigis
Round 4 (Top 16) Cammy White Cynthia Hilda Mia Fey Palutena Rosalina Tron Bonne Zelda
Round 3 (Top 32) YoRHa Type A No. 2 Ada Wong Ashley Bayonetta Chie Satonaka Curly Brace Princess Daisy Filia Gardevoir Hornet Inkling Kat Lucifer Malon May Sakura Kasugano
Round 2 (Top 64) Aerith Gainsborough Amy Rose Android 21 Catherine Cerberus Chell Chiaki Nanami Claire Redfield Coco Bandicoot Dark Samus Epona Felicia Fire Keeper Franziska von Karma Gebura Heather Mason Jill Valentine Juri Han Lady Maria Lucina Mai Shiranui Maiden in Black Mipha Mythra Naoto Shirogane Plain Doll Pyra Risky Boots Rouge the Bat Sorceress Tharja The Boss
Round 1 (Top 128) Adeleine Alice (SMT) Alyx Vance Angela Ankha Arle Ayla Beatrice Binah Blaze the Cat Callie Cortana Dorothy Elizabeth Elizabeth Eri Kasamoto Etna Gruntilda Gum Hat Kid Illyasviel von Einzbern Isabelle Ivy Valentine Jill Stingray Judgement (Helltaker) Junko Enoshima Justice Kaine Kumatora Kyoko Kirigiri Lady Lara Croft Lucca Lyn Mama Marie Marina Marisa Kirisame May (Guilty Gear) Mei Min Min Misery Monika Ms. Fortune Ms. Pac Man Muffet Nia Nico Goldstein Nobeta Nurse Pauline Peacock Reporter Rottytops SHODAN Splash Woman Sue Sakamoto Susie Tali'Zorah nar Rayya Taokaka Trish Twintelle Vibri Zoey
Excluded by Series Limit Dawn Futaba SakuraTemplate:Haru p5Template:ImpaTemplate:LusamineTemplate:MakotoTemplate:MarnieTemplate:NessaTemplate:Panther p5 Sadayo KawakamiTemplate:SerenaTemplate:UrbosaTemplate:VaporeonTemplate:Yukari p3
Did not qualify Alice AlipheeseTemplate:Aqua Ashley Graham Bad Girl Buddy CamillaTemplate:Clem Captain SyrupTemplate:Eliza sg EllieTemplate:Eva mg Hanako IkezawaTemplate:Ibuki Jack-O' Valentine Jade KOS-MOSTemplate:Lammy lamb MadotsukiTemplate:MarleTemplate:Maya p2Template:Medli Megumi Mei LingTemplate:Mika Mileena Morrigan AenslandTemplate:Parasoul PoisonTemplate:Queen HatredTemplate:Reisen Saber Sable Sakuya Izayoi Saria Susie Tae Takemi Temmie TracerTemplate:Vivan j Witch Xion
Queen of /v/ 2022
Finalists Midna • 2nd Hornet
Semi-finalists 3rd GLaDOS • 4th Alipheese
Quarter-finalists 5th Ashley • 6th Maya Fey • 7th Ranni the Witch • 8th Morrigan
Round 4 (Top 16) 2B Bayonetta Cirno Filia Gardevoir Hex Maniac Rouge the Bat Zelda
Round 3 (Top 32) Aigis Alice Liddell Amaterasu Baba Dark Samus Felicia Jill Valentine Kat Lucifer Marina Palutena Princess Peach Plain Doll Rosalina Tifa Lockhart Vibri
Round 2 (Top 64) Adeleine Alice (AliceSoft) Amy Rose Angela Ankha Buddy Chell Chun-Li Coco Bandicoot Crossbreed Priscilla Princess Daisy Dawn Etna Franziska von Karma Illyasviel von Einzbern Justice Lady Lady Maria Lain Iwakura Lusty Argonian Maid Malon Marie Mari Mia Fey Miss Pauling Neco-Arc Nia Pixie Plague Doctor Sorceress Spooky Tron Bonne Yuffie Kisaragi
Round 1 (Top 128) YoRHa Type A No. 2 Administrator AK-12 Alice (SMT) Alyx Vance Android 21 Beatrice Beelzebub Binah Blaze the Cat Cacodemon Cala Maria Callie Cammy White Chie Satonaka Claire Redfield Cortana Daisy Dorothy D.Va Ender Dragon Essex Fire Keeper Flandre Scarlet Gebura Gruntilda Gwynevere Hat Kid Ib Isabelle Jack-O' Valentine Jill Stingray Kaine Kazooie Krystal Kumatora Lady Dimitrescu Leaf Monika Muffet Nobeta Paula Peacock Pyra Pyro Rebecca Red Hood Renamon Rika Furude Roxanne Wolf Reisalin Stout Saber Splash Woman Sue Sakamoto Sunflower Susie Tali'Zorah nar Rayya The Boss Toriel Viper Viridi Witch Zoey
Excluded by Series Limit
Did not qualify
Queen of /v/ 2023
Finalists Curly Brace • 2nd Amaterasu
Semi-finalists 3rd Roll • 4th Bayonetta
Quarter-finalists 5th Malon • 6th Fio Germi • 7th Ashley Graham • 8th Taokaka
Round 4 (Top 16) 2B Cammy White Cirno Hatsune Miku Muffet Neco-Arc Palutena Tifa Lockhart
Round 3 (Top 32) 5-Volt Alice Alice (AliceSoft) Baba Beatrice Buddy Chell Felicia JPEG Dog Junko Enoshima Miss Pauling Plague Doctor Plain Doll Risky Boots Shantae Tron Bonne
Round 2 (Top 64) YoRHa Type A No. 2 Ada Wong Alyx Vance Baiken Beelzebub Betila Binah Callie Crossbreed Priscilla Filia Gardevoir Goombella Hat Kid Hex Maniac Illyasviel von Einzbern Jill Valentine Kat Lilith Marie Marina Princess Peach Queen Ripple Red Hood Roll Caskett Rosalina Rosa Rottytops Rouge the Bat SHODAN The Boss The Princess Zoey
Round 1 (Top 128) 808 Adeleine Aigis AK-12 Alice Margatroid Alice Liddell Alice (SMT) Amy Rose Angela Ankha Ashley Graves Blaze the Cat Cacodemon Cala Maria Cheshire Cat Chun-Li Coco Bandicoot Cooking Mama Dark Samus Essex Etna Fang Fire Keeper Franziska von Karma Gebura Glamrock Chica Gruntilda Gwynevere Ib Isabelle Jack-O' Valentine Jill Stingray Justice Kazooie Krystal Kumatora Lady Lady Maria Lucifer Lusty Argonian Maid Madotsuki Mari Melina Mia Fey Monika Natsuki Nobeta Noelle Holiday Paula Peacock Pixie Queen Rika Furude Roxanne Wolf Scout's Mom Sunflower Susie Temmie The Grandma Toy Chica Vault Girl Vibri Yuri Zelda
Excluded by Series Limit
Did not qualify
Queen of /v/ 2024
Finalists Madotsuki • 2nd Ayla
Semi-finalists 3rd Hex Maniac • 4th Palutena
Quarter-finalists 5th Baiken • 6th Shantae • 7th Hatsune Miku • 8th Tifa Lockhart
Round 4 (Top 16) The Princess Cirno GLaDOS Red Hood Zelda Felicia Morrigan Aensland Baba
Round 3 (Top 32) Aigis Rosalina Marina Maya Fey Jill Stingray Rouge the Bat Roll Caskett Etna The Boss Lady Maria Misty Pixie Franziska von Karma Spooky Alice Neco-Arc
Round 2 (Top 64) 2B Ada Wong Adeleine Amy Rose Ashley Beatrice Betila Binah Don Quixote Goombella Monika Plain Doll Beelzebub Saria Peacock Chun-Li Justice Misty Vicar Amelia Coco Bandicoot Tharja Ankha Princess Daisy Roll Caskett Sorceress Mabel Able Gwynevere Gardevoir
Round 1 (Top 128) YoRHa Type A No. 2 Alice Liddell Alice (SMT) Alyx Vance Android 21 Ashley Bazz Blaze the Cat Cammy White Carmelita Fox Chell Cortana Daisy Dark Samus Essex Fang Filia Fire Keeper Glamrock Chica Gruntilda Hat Kid Hornet Ib Jill Valentine Juri Han Kaine Krystal Lady Lady Bow Lady Dimitrescu Lara Croft Lilith Lucifer Lusty Argonian Maid Mai Shiranui Mari Misery Miss Pauling Natsuki Noelle Holiday Princess Peach Pyro Queen Ripple Ranni the Witch Renamon Renee Graves Rika Furude Risky Boots Rottytops Roxanne Wolf Saya Scout's Mom Sue Sakamoto Sunflower Susie Sybil Toy Chica Tron Bonne Vibri
Excluded by Series Limit
Did not qualify
Queen of /v/
Tournaments 201920202021202220232024
Champions Samus Aran Reimu Hakurei Recette Midna Curly Brace Madotsuki
Elite Eight
Bold indicates a girl has achieved semifinalist status. Bold underlined indicates a girl finished runner-up at least once.
2B Ayla Ashley Ashley Graham Aigis Alipheese Alice Amaterasu Baiken Bayonetta Cirno Chun-Li Fio Germi GLaDOS Hex Maniac Hornet Malon Marisa Kirisame Maya Fey Hatsune Miku Morrigan Aensland Palutena Princess Peach Ranni the Witch Roll Shantae Taokaka Tifa Lockhart
Qualified characters
AK-12 Adeleine Angela Baba Beatrice Buddy Cammy White Chell Chie Satonaka Ebony & Ivory Essex Fang Felicia Filia Flandre Scarlet Franziska von Karma Gardevoir Gebura Glamrock Chica Gruntilda Hat Kid Illyasviel von Einzbern Jill Stingray Jill Valentine Kaine Kat Lady Lady Maria Mari Miss Pauling Monika Muffet Neco-Arc Peacock Pixie Plague Doctor Plain Doll The Princess Princess Daisy Pyro Red Hood Remilia Scarlet Rosalina Rouge the Bat Roxanne Wolf SHODAN Tali'Zorah nar Rayya The Boss Tron Bonne YoRHa Type A No. 2 Zelda
Other characters
Erika Furudo Koishi Komeiji
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