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From 4chan Tournaments Wiki
Midna Gallery

- the top choice of /v/'s poll on how to fuck Midna

"Imp Midna is unironically 40 pounds of pussy and ass. She's just floating drumsticks with a smug single fang grin. That's not even artists exaggerating it, her body mass is actually 80% in her cheeks, thighs, and pot belly. She's not a pear, she's a lightbulb. They had to know exactly what the fuck they were doing. I refuse to believe otherwise. People being creepy fuckers and sexualizing the Inklings and the bird girl from Wind Waker and all that shit, sure, that's on the fans. But Midna being a forty pound pussy that grinds on top of Link's head and bosses him around is 100% on Nintendo. Her imp form was actually MORE sexualized than her true form, which is astonishing since her true form is literally a completely naked woman in harem silks with black bodypaint covering over her bits."
some copypasta from Funnyjunk

Midna is that curvy imp from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, who guides Link around with a sassy attitude and rides on top of his wolf form. She is actually a member of the Twili race who resides in an alternate dimension called the Twilight Realm, and her imp form is actually a curse dealt by the evil Twili wizard Zant. Midna is later revealed to be the eponymous Twilight Princess: the rightful ruler of the Twilight Realm and the only one who can shatter the Mirror of Twilight.

Midna would be crowned champion of the Queen of /v/ 2022 tournament, marking the first instance of a previous Elite Eight member winning a /v/ tournament, and the second overral after Fang from Primal won the Ms. /co/ tourney of that year. Because of her victory, Midna is ineligible from participating in any future Queen of /v/ editions.

Tournament History[edit]

Midna has had considerable presence 4chan's /v/ideo games board since the release of her game, and is largely famous as a sex symbol. She established herself as a powerhouse in the board's very first waifu tournament on 2019 when she defeated a series of high-profile girls like Zelda, Morrigan and Peach, before losing to Metal Slug's Fio in the semi-finals, and then claiming third place over Maya Fey in the consolations. She also scored 2019's biggest blowout by raw votes after posting a 257 - 46 score against Chu Chu from Kirby in round 2.

After serving a one-year suspension from her 2019 Elite Eight appearance, the Twili returned as a favorite in Queen of /v/ 2021, with a dedicated Midnafag drawing fan art in tow. She qualified as the #1 seed in the bracket and easily beat X-COM's Viper in round 1, setting up a match against Persona 4 tomboy Chie Satonaka in the next round. However, Midna fell short by 49 votes, eliminating her from the tournament. Midna's early exit was said to be part of a "furry purge" (probably because of her unusual proportions and skin color), while some anons felt that Midna lost because her supporters were complacent on her supposed victory, while Chie fans rallied behind their pick and vocally supported her in the threads. Others also noticed that Chie had a visible "coomer" advantage because her picture used a sexy fan art exposing her abs and groin on the polls[1] as opposed to Midna's picture showing her official render, prompting a debate on what kind of poll images should be used to ensure fairness in future tournaments. This question was also included in the organizer's feedback poll.

Coming off this failure, the Twilight Princess would try to reclaim her place among the elites in the following Queen of /v/ tournament. Entering as the #1 seed once again, Midna was accompained by heavy support from her fans, mantaining a consistent thread presence for the rest of the tournament, especially through the creation of many fan-art pieces. Her journey this year would include victories against other previous Elite Eight members such as Amaterasu, Cirno, and Morrigan Aensland in the quarterfinals match.

As tension built up, Midna found herself in a nail-biting semifinal match against the low-seeded eroge representative and fellow royalty Alipheese, where she secured a narrow victory with 50.8% of the votes. The stage was set for the finals, and Midna faced off against Hornet from the indie Hollow Knight, with her being another girl on a monster run who was making her very Elite Eight debut that year. In a closely contested OC-filled battle, Midna emerged triumphant with 51.5% of the votes. This hard-fought win marked her return to the pinnacle of the tournament, solidifying her status as a fan-favorite. Midna's victory not only redeemed her from the previous year's early exit, but also demonstrated the enduring support of her fanbase in the eyes of many anons.


Queen of /v/
2019 - Unseeded
Round Opponent Votes Series Pct. For
Round 1 Marina Liteyears 117 - 39 Mischief Makers 78.5%
Round 2 Chu Chu 257 - 46 Kirby 82.4%
Round 3 Zelda 146 - 136 The Legend of Zelda 52.8%
Round 4 Morrigan Aensland 181 - 120 Darkstalkers 56.5%
Quarterfinals Princess Peach 183 - 138 Super Mario 62.9%
Semifinals Fio Germi 135 - 145 Metal Slug 48.4%
3rd Place Maya Fey 224 - 215 Ace Attorney 52.4%
2021 - Seed 1
Round Opponent Votes Series Pct. For
Round 1 (128) Viper 658 - 366 X-COM 65.5%
Round 2 (64) Chie Satonaka 593 - 642 Persona 47.4%
2022 - Seed 1
Round Opponent Votes Series Pct. For
Round 1 (128) Splash Woman 1087 - 561 Mega Man 65.5%
Round 2 (65) Lain Iwakura 895 - 612 Serial Experiments Lain 61.4%
Round 3 (81) Amaterasu 661 - 584 Ōkami 53.8%
Round 4 (32) Cirno 800 - 602 Touhou Project 57%
Quarterfinals (127) Morrigan Aensland 869 - 586 Darkstalkers 69.7%
Semifinals (114) Alipheese 667 - 645 Monster Girl Quest 50.8%
Finals (19) Hornet 638 - 600 Hollow Knight 51.5%


Queen of /v/ 2019
Finalists Samus Aran • 2nd Fio Germi
Semi-finalists 3rd Midna • 4th Maya Fey
Quarter-finalists 5th GLaDOS • 6th Princess Peach • 7th Shantae • 8th Roll
Round 4 (Top 16) Aigis Amaterasu Cynthia Hatsune Miku Jill Stingray Jill Valentine Morrigan Tifa Lockhart
Round 3 (Top 32) Agnes Oblige Bad Girl Bayonetta Catherine Chun-Li Futaba Sakura Gum Hanako Ikezawa Hat Kid Juri Han Kumatora Nia Risky Boots Rosalina Sadayo Kawakami Zelda
Round 2 (Top 64) Adeleine Arcueid Brunestud Aya Brea Blaze the Cat Cacodemon Camilla Charlotte Aulin Chie Satonaka Chu Chu Claire Redfield Coco Bandicoot Curly Brace Princess Daisy Edea Lee Hsien-Ko Isabelle Karin Kanzuki Kyoko Linkle Lucina Lyn Menat Poison Rouge the Bat Sakura Kasugano Sakuya Izayoi Squigly Tae Takemi Terra Branford Terry Bogard ♀ Tracer Yuffie Kisaragi
Round 1 (Top 128) Aerith Gainsborough Alice (SMT) Alicia Claus Aloy Ashelin Praxis Bernadetta von Varley Cadence Cammy White Celes Chere Celica Cirno Captain Syrup Princess Daphne Dark Samus D.Va Edea Kramer Ellie Emerald Herald Emi Ibarazaki Faris Scherwiz Felicia Commander Shepard ♀ Flonne Garnet Til Alexandros XVII Hinoka Jade Junko Enoshima Kazooie Kid Lady Lammy Lara Croft Leona Lilith Lilly Satou Lucca Madotsuki Marianne von Edmund Marina Liteyears Megumi Min Min Mipha Misako Monika Ms. Fortune Ms. Pac Man Natsuki Neptune NiGHTS Nikki Pikachu Libre Plague Doctor Purple Puffle Rin Tezuka Rise Kujikawa Sable Saori Nako Sophia Esteed Susie Taokaka Tristana Ulala Undyne Xion
Excluded by Series Limit Template:Nanako
Did not qualify 2BTemplate:Ajna Marisa KirisameTemplate:Sayori
Queen of /v/ 2021
Finalists Recette • 2nd Madotsuki
Semi-finalists 3rd Marisa Kirisame • 4th Roll
Quarter-finalists 5th Alice • 6th Curly Brace • 7th Fio Germi • 8th Shantae
Round 4 (Top 16) Ashley Bayonetta Ebony & Ivory Fire Keeper Franziska von Karma Gebura Hornet Tron Bonne
Round 3 (Top 32) 5-Volt Cerberus Chie Satonaka Cynthia Flandre Scarlet GLaDOS Hex Maniac Justice Lucifer Mai Shiranui Palutena Plain Doll Rosalina Sorceress The Boss Zelda
Round 2 (Top 64) Alice (SMT) Alice (AliceSoft) Angela Ankha Beatrice Chell Dark Samus Dawn Etna Filia Gruntilda Illyasviel von Einzbern Jack-O' Valentine Kat Kazooie Lady Maria Marie Marina Maya Fey Midna Muffet Naoto Shirogane Neco-Arc Nia Nobeta Princess Peach Plague Doctor Ramlethal Valentine Remilia Scarlet Susie Taokaka Yuffie Kisaragi
Round 1 (Top 128) Ada Wong Adeleine Alice Liddell Amy Rose Android 21 Arcueid Brunestud Ayla Bernadetta von Varley Binah Blaze the Cat Callie Cammy White Chiaki Nanami Coco Bandicoot Princess Daisy Dorothy Elizabeth Elizabeth Eri Kasamoto Fang Felicia Girlfriend Gwynevere Hat Kid Io Isabelle Jill Stingray Jill Valentine Juri Han Kaine KOS-MOS Kumatora Lady Bow Lady Lady Dimitrescu Lain Iwakura Lilith Malon Mei Mercy Mia Fey Mistral Mona Monika Ms. Pac Man Miss Pauling Mythra Peacock Pixie Pyra Queen Risky Boots Rottytops Rouge the Bat Reisalin Stout Saber Spooky Sue Sakamoto Tali'Zorah nar Rayya Viper Vivian Wii Fit Trainer Witch Zoey
Excluded by Series Limit
Did not qualify
Queen of /v/ 2022
Finalists Midna • 2nd Hornet
Semi-finalists 3rd GLaDOS • 4th Alipheese
Quarter-finalists 5th Ashley • 6th Maya Fey • 7th Ranni the Witch • 8th Morrigan
Round 4 (Top 16) 2B Bayonetta Cirno Filia Gardevoir Hex Maniac Rouge the Bat Zelda
Round 3 (Top 32) Aigis Alice Liddell Amaterasu Baba Dark Samus Felicia Jill Valentine Kat Lucifer Marina Palutena Princess Peach Plain Doll Rosalina Tifa Lockhart Vibri
Round 2 (Top 64) Adeleine Alice (AliceSoft) Amy Rose Angela Ankha Buddy Chell Chun-Li Coco Bandicoot Crossbreed Priscilla Princess Daisy Dawn Etna Franziska von Karma Illyasviel von Einzbern Justice Lady Lady Maria Lain Iwakura Lusty Argonian Maid Malon Marie Mari Mia Fey Miss Pauling Neco-Arc Nia Pixie Plague Doctor Sorceress Spooky Tron Bonne Yuffie Kisaragi
Round 1 (Top 128) YoRHa Type A No. 2 Administrator AK-12 Alice (SMT) Alyx Vance Android 21 Beatrice Beelzebub Binah Blaze the Cat Cacodemon Cala Maria Callie Cammy White Chie Satonaka Claire Redfield Cortana Daisy Dorothy D.Va Ender Dragon Essex Fire Keeper Flandre Scarlet Gebura Gruntilda Gwynevere Hat Kid Ib Isabelle Jack-O' Valentine Jill Stingray Kaine Kazooie Krystal Kumatora Lady Dimitrescu Leaf Monika Muffet Nobeta Paula Peacock Pyra Pyro Rebecca Red Hood Renamon Rika Furude Roxanne Wolf Reisalin Stout Saber Splash Woman Sue Sakamoto Sunflower Susie Tali'Zorah nar Rayya The Boss Toriel Viper Viridi Witch Zoey
Excluded by Series Limit
Did not qualify
Queen of /v/
Tournaments 201920202021202220232024
Champions Samus Aran Reimu Hakurei Recette Midna Curly Brace Madotsuki
Elite Eight
Bold indicates a girl has achieved semifinalist status. Bold underlined indicates a girl finished runner-up at least once.
2B Ayla Ashley Ashley Graham Aigis Alipheese Alice Amaterasu Baiken Bayonetta Cirno Chun-Li Fio Germi GLaDOS Hex Maniac Hornet Malon Marisa Kirisame Maya Fey Hatsune Miku Morrigan Aensland Palutena Princess Peach Ranni the Witch Roll Shantae Taokaka Tifa Lockhart
Qualified characters
AK-12 Adeleine Angela Baba Beatrice Buddy Cammy White Chell Chie Satonaka Ebony & Ivory Essex Fang Felicia Filia Flandre Scarlet Franziska von Karma Gardevoir Gebura Glamrock Chica Gruntilda Hat Kid Illyasviel von Einzbern Jill Stingray Jill Valentine Kaine Kat Lady Lady Maria Mari Miss Pauling Monika Muffet Neco-Arc Peacock Pixie Plague Doctor Plain Doll The Princess Princess Daisy Pyro Red Hood Remilia Scarlet Rosalina Rouge the Bat Roxanne Wolf SHODAN Tali'Zorah nar Rayya The Boss Tron Bonne YoRHa Type A No. 2 Zelda
Other characters
Erika Furudo Koishi Komeiji
  1. Fan art by Akairiot. Gelbooru link, direct image link
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