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Literally Who Award

From 4chan Tournaments Wiki
A depiction of a Golden Question Mark

The Literally Who Award, also known as the Golden Question Mark is a special honor given to one or more characters per tournament who caused the most confusion with their qualification among anons, either due to surprise at an especially niche character managing to qualify at all, or in the most direct sense of the term, causing anons to ask "literally who?" about a character they had never heard of before. Despite the phrase "Literally Who" usually carrying a somewhat insulting connotation, the Golden Question Mark is instead meant as a genuine compliment to a character who managed to overcome the odds in qualifying in spite of his or her relative obscurity.

Rather than a poll or voting forms, the Golden Question Mark is voted on by anons by replying to one of Psyanon's vocaroo posts; the award itself is presented in a Psyanon vocaroo in the quarterfinals/semi-finals based on the general consensus among anons. Multiple characters can receive the title of Ms. or Mr. Literally Who at once, and other nominees can receive special mentions as runner-ups.

The Golden Question Mark was first awarded during Ms. /co/ 2021; all characters who received the award in tournaments prior were bestowed with the honor after the fact by anons during the 2021 tournaments.

Ms. /co/[edit]

  • 2019: Deethra from The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
  • 2021: Marie from Craig of the Creek
  • 2023: Cyn and Uzi from Murder Drones

Mr. /co/[edit]

  • 2024: Mr. Fox from Fantastic Mr. Fox

Queen of /v/[edit]

  • 2020: Vibri from Vib-Ribbon
  • 2021: Pixie from Shin Megami Tensei
  • 2022: Ib from Ib

King of /v/[edit]

  • 2019: Y.V from Nuclear Throne
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