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Wilkins Muppet is a character who

During Tag Tournament 2021, while he initially took his usual threat based approach, after the results of the qualifers were announced Vriska Serket cut a deal with Wilkins, offering him a cut of her power in exchange for killing Star Butterfly, Gertrude the Gruesome, and The God Emperor of Mankind.

Wilkins took the deal(gaining the Scorpio symbol on his chest) and succeeded in killing Vriska's rivals. Wilkin's doubled down on the deal shortly afterwards, taking even more of her luck powers to the point his eyes started glowing.

Following this, Wilkins used his powers to kill off and maim people who didn't drink Wilkin's coffee worldwide, including a librarian, Tavros, and allegedly Chris Stotch. He also recruited ZONE-Tan to help him run the Cult of Wilkins Coffee, and in exchange, she was granted Aradia's time powers after Wilkins had her killed to appease Vriska.

Just as victory for him and his master seemed inmminent, Wilkins lost by a single vote, therefore breaking his side of the extended deal with Vriska. Vriska promptly sent Wilkins to hell, where he remains to this day.