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Ms. /co/ 2021: Difference between revisions

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Most discussion prior to the tournament was conducted in plus4chan's [https://boards.plus4chan.org/co/t437012.html#top pre-tournament thread], as any thread about the /co/ntests in 4chan (hype threads, discussion) is removed by janitors. Because of this, some anons feared the possibility of the tournament being derailed or cancelled. A plus4chan developer named '''Black Hand''' considered creating a separate board dedicated for tournaments and related events, which was mostly met with approval from users. This new board was christened as '''/tnt/''' (Tournaments & Events).
[[File:163132325622.png|thumb|right|200px|Transcript of PsyAnon speaking to a 4chan mod]]
On the day of the contest, the main threads created by organizer '''stats anon''' went normally as planned, until the nomination thread was banished to the /trash/ (off-topic) board by a mod. This prompted /co/ users to spam the board in protest because there was an unrelated ''Adult Swim ''tournament that was allowed unregulated. The organizer also posted nomination threads on plus4chan under a different tripcode just in case the 4chan threads went down. This lead to the organizer selecting the nominees from the /trash/'d threads, two plus4chan threads, and multiple threads on the main board. This event also lead to the creation of /tnt/ that allows for discussion, feedback, wiki, and draw thread deliveries in case users were banned from the board.
A user known as PsyAnon negotiated with the mods on 4chan's irc channel to reinstate Ms. /co/ on the main site with the addendum of only one thread at a time.
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