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==Notable History==
===Round 3 rigging allegations===
After the poll for the third round of the tournament had concluded, <span style=" color:#117743;">NightShift Anon !!9A2duD1C25+</span> began to post in the then-current thread about concerns about potential rigging. He confirmed that the "couple of characters affected" had strong campaigns that year and was worried about how the claims would potentially affect them. There were also implications that one of the characters had been "cheating from the start" (this character was revealed to be Mrs. Brisby in the after party threads). Asking how to follow up these claims, many in the thread asked for him to just reveal the characters' identities. As a result, NightShift then dropped the names of the characters he suspected of rigging: [[Gadget Hackwrench]], [[Tigress]], [[Mrs. Brisby]], [[Nicole Watterson]], [[Karen]], [[Judy Hopps]], and [[Shirley the Medium]]. The response to this was vicious. There was a mix of people who immediately began to deride these characters, and others who questioned NightShift's motivations against these characters. In particular, all of these characters but Karen were considered furry characters. This pattern led to theories that a dedicated furry or group of furries had planned a way to rig the polls, or even the possibility that NightShift had either ignorantly or purposefully identified voting patterns that simply pertained to how most furries might vote at this point in the tournament. Due to the latter point in particular, many users began to turn on NightShift and allege that he was stirring unnecessary controversy. Some compared this controversy to rigging allegations against Nyarlathotep/Fuhrer from ''Persona 2'' during King of /v/ 2021, in which NightShift had hosted alongside <span style=" color:#117743;">Dominos Anon !w86bRI0tYM</span>.
In the Round 3 thread, NightShift asked what to do next (this is now considered a universally awful decision by voters). Stating they (the hosts) could not redo the round due to a time limit imposed by the moderators of the board. He stated he could remove the unfairly winning characters, or push them on and reveal their names. Anons (most likely assumed samefags) choose to reveal the girls and push them into the next round. The narrative pushed at the time was that they would be voted out in the next round. However, voters did not know there would be several rigged candidates, and accusations began to fly.
Following concerns, NightShift chose to reveal the entire spread of votes on the latest poll and later dropped pie charts that displayed the results had the alleged rigged votes been removed. It was revealed that Mrs. Brisby and Tigress would have won regardless, but that most of the accused characters would have lost in this scenario. Gadget lost by a lot on both cases. This led to some further debates on the status of Brisby and Tigress, with some anons claiming to be "fair candidates" as a result of this compared to the others. Regardless, it was decided that the tournament would continue on as planned despite this controversy, at the behest of most in the thread. Round 4 was largely made up of further questions regarding the rigging accusations, but they mostly settled down after this point.
FollowingNightShift concerns,at NightShiftthe behest of the thread chosechoose to reveal the entire spread of votes on the latest poll and later dropped pie charts that displayed the results had the alleged rigged votes been removed. It was revealed that Mrs. Brisby and Tigress would have won regardless, but that most of the accused characters would have lost in this scenario. Gadget lost by a lot on both cases. This led to some further debates on the status of Brisby and Tigress, with some anons claiming to be "fair candidates" as a result of this compared to the others. Regardless, it was decided that the tournament would continue on as planned despite this controversy, at the behest of most in the thread. Round 4 was largely made up of further questions regarding the rigging accusations, but they mostly settled down after this point.
A few anons had petitioned to replace NightShift mid-tournament, but these claims went nowhere. The most prominent response was <span style=" color:#117743;">[Temp Anon] !vHqM1sfAlM</span> from the [[Tag-Team Tournament 2021|infamous 2021 Tag-Team Tournament]] attempting a sudden coup despite warnings from the overwhelming majority of other anons, before he was promptly banned for months by /co/ moderators after his poor attempts at a separate thread and re-do of Round 3's poll. The reaction toward this was a mix of criticism and mockery, with it tanking Temp's reception even further after his amateur handling of certain aspects of said tournament. Based on polls held by other anons in the thread, the majority were still fine with NightShift remaining a host despite the controversy, whether out of agreement with the claims or just a lack of better options. He would go on to host [[Mr. /co/lympus 2022]] with no major hassles, along with a new rule to silently removed alleged rigged votes rather than call them off after responses to a feedback question in the final poll of Ms. /co/ 2022.