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anon thanks for adding internet archives link. but i have to group them in one reference. Still incomplete
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Emmy is a "nandroid" (a portmanteau of ''nanny'' and ''android''/''gynoid''), a high-end line of robotic maidservants developed by the company Sterling Robotics to provide care for human families. Described as naively innocent, Emmy initially undergoes training at the Sterling facility before being shipped off to an affluent suburb named Hawthorn Grove, where she now serves as a caretaker for the Delaire family. The comic series has garnered positive reception for its art and wholesome tone.
Emmy first appeared in a character sheet posted by Dominic on Twitter in July 20, 2019.<ref>Emmy character sheet. [https://twitter.com/DomCellini_Art/status/1152701149146955776</ref><ref> Twitter link,] [https://archive.is/mUt9C Internet Archive link]</ref> One day later, the artist posted the series' first official chapter.<ref>Android Etiquette Rule 15. [https://twitter.com/DomCellini_Art/status/1153051511641059328 AndroidTwitter Etiquettelink,] Rule 15]</ref><ref>[https://archive.is/VC2AR Internet Archive link]</ref> The webcomics were also posted in Dominic's Instagram account.<ref>[https://www.instagram.com/dommcell/?hl=en dommcell's official Instagram account '''(REQUIRES SIGN IN)''']</ref> TheAll comicsentries related to the story were re-uploaded to Webtoons starting on April 5, 2020, with a "cleaner" image as opposed to earlier releases having a "grainy" effect to them. Since then itthe comics has become a serialized webcomic withhad a weekly releaseschedule, until it was switched to a bi-weekly release on June 26, 2020.
The earliest mention of Emmy as the nandroid in 4chan's /co/ board appears to be in a thread about "Cute robots" dated August 25, 2020, and is possibly also the first instance of her being used as the OP image.<ref>[https://boards.fireden.net/co/thread/109588165/#q109588165 /co/ thread w/ (possibly) the earliest mention of "Emmy" and earliest instance of Emmy as OP pic]</ref> The appealing concept of nandroids made lasting impressions among /co/mrades, and the series quickly developed a dedicated fanbase that is largely responsible for creating plenty of Nandroid-related fanart, with several OC's becoming well-known amongst the community. Thus, a dedicated booru site was created to house all of these drawings.
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===The 2020 Fiasco===
Now with a proper serialized webcomic at her side, Emmy returned in the [[Ms. /co/ 2020|2020 contest]] with high hopes of qualifying. However, she was targeted throughout the whole tournament by a noted troll (presumed to be <abbr title="fusefag/gatsky">''"that massive faggot"''</abbr><ref>[https://imgur.com/a/RU6YDsy Fusefag Advisory]</ref><ref>[https://desuarchive.org/co/thread/103254101/#103262752 An example of Fusefag's true nature]</ref><ref>[https://desuarchive.org/co/search/text/a%20fusion%20universe/username/fusefag/</ref>) whoHe haskeeps apushing historyhis oftourney shittingthat upno pastone nandroid threads.likes]
</ref>) who has a history of shitting up past nandroid threads. During the nomination round, the troll used the name "'''REMOVE /POL/ PROPAGANDA CHARACTERS'''", attempting to damage her reputation by posting many inflammatory comments intended to bait replies, pretending to be other anons (samefagging), and associating Emmy with "Nazis", "incels", and "brigades from /pol/". ''Maybe Tommorow'' protagonist [[Skyla]] was also similarly targeted by this troll with the same objective. While Skyla failed to qualify for the main bracket, Emmy's result was far more successful, having secured an unexpectedly high 5th seed. This was enough for some Anonymous fans, who dondidn't expect her to do well butin onlythe to make anfirst appearanceplace.
Emmy's debut match pitted her against ''Xiaolin Showdown's'' [[Wuya]], which brought a sizable amount of banter, greentexts, and OC fanart for both contestants. Unfortunately, the robot getsgot embroiled in yetan even anotherbigger controversy later in the first round: an anonymous user known as "Basilanon" (named for its [[Basil|Detective Basil]] avatar) discovered that ''Random Cartoon'', a Spanish-language Facebook page known for putting their watermarks on other people's drawings, had posted links to the Ms. /co/ threads. The posts gave instructions on how to vote in the contest, reminding them to vote for Emmy (and to a lesser extent [[Miko Kubota|Miko]]).<ref>https://archive.vn/gCJOJ#selection-12001.1-912.3</ref><ref>[https://img.fireden.net/co/image/1600/12/1600125459079.jpg Screenshot of RCRandom Cartoon reposting Anon's Miko post verbatim]</ref> After further digging, the page was later revealed to have been posting links to the 2019 final campaigning for [[Spinel]] votes, which reignited disputes questioning the legitimacy of the gem's title.<ref>[https://img.fireden.net/co/image/1600/12/1600128741161.png RCScreenshot of Random Cartoon posting 2019 Ms. /co/ final]</ref> Since outside brigading is very much frowned upon in online popularity contests, Basilanon's revelation caused an uproar in the thread, causing some users to call for Emmy's disqualification or restarting the entire round. ObviouslyThe deletedhost '''stats anon''' ultimately decided to let the voting run its course. today]
During the nomination round, the troll used the name "REMOVE /POL/ PROPAGANDA CHARACTERS", attempting to damage her reputation by posting many inflammatory comments intended to bait replies, pretending to be other anons (samefagging), and associating Emmy with "Nazis", "incels", and "brigades from /pol/". ''Maybe Tommorow'' protagonist [[Skyla]] was also targeted by this troll with the same objective. While Skyla failed to qualify for the main bracket, Emmy's result was far more successful, having secured an unexpectedly high 5th seed. This was enough for some Anonymous fans, who don't expect her to do well but only to make an appearance.
Although ''Random Cartoon'' posted a statement saying they will no longer link to the contest again,<ref>https://www.facebook.com/randomcartoon2/posts/350758002935458 "We've been scolded; we're not posting it again"</ref> the backlash had already impacted the robot's campaign. Many Emmyfags expressed disappointment over the whole debacle.
, causing her to be <s>voted out in the following round</s> banished to Peru following a loss to [[Gwenpool]].
Emmy's debut match pitted her against ''Xiaolin's'' [[Wuya]], which brought a sizable amount of banter, greentexts, and OC fanart for both contestants. Unfortunately, the robot gets embroiled in yet another controversy later in the first round: an anonymous user known as "Basilanon" (named for its [[Basil|Detective Basil]] avatar) discovered that ''Random Cartoon'', a Spanish-language Facebook page known for putting their watermarks on other people's drawings, had posted links to the Ms. /co/ threads. The posts gave instructions on how to vote in the contest, reminding them to vote for Emmy (and to a lesser extent [[Miko Kubota|Miko]]).<ref>https://archive.vn/gCJOJ#selection-12001.1-912.3</ref><ref>[https://img.fireden.net/co/image/1600/12/1600125459079.jpg Screenshot of RC reposting Anon's Miko post verbatim]</ref> After further digging, the page was later revealed to have been posting links to the 2019 final campaigning for [[Spinel]] votes, which reignited disputes questioning the legitimacy of the gem's title.[https://img.fireden.net/co/image/1600/12/1600128741161.png RC posting 2019 Ms. /co/ final. Obviously deleted today]
Since outside brigading is very much frowned upon in online popularity contests, Basilanon's revelation caused an uproar in the thread, causing users to call for Emmy's disqualification. In the end, the host Stats anon decided to let the voting run its course. The backlash impacted Emmy's campaign, causing her to be <s>voted out in the following round</s> banished to Peru following a loss to [[Gwenpool]].
<ref>https://www.facebook.com/randomcartoon2/posts/350758002935458 "We've been scolded; we're not posting it again"</ref>
The controversy has inspired several fanarts such as a mock Wikipedia-styled infobox depicting the "Battle of Round 1", and caused Emmy to be associated with Peru in Ms. /co/ lore.