Video Games
/v/ - Video Games" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of PC and console video games. The Queen and King of /v/ tournaments have been held in this board every year since 2019 to decide the most popular male and female character of that year. Each contest lasts around one week, with the female contest being held currently in the first week of November and the males held in December. Voting is typically conducted using Google Forms. The term used to refer to female champions is the Queen of /v/, while male champions are referred as the King of /v/. The tournaments are presented like a beauty pageant, featuring judges such as 4chan mascot Yotsuba, inaugural winners Samus Aran and Senator Armstrong, and board personifications /v/-tan and Tre/vr/.
Tournaments edit
- Queen of /v/ - The female /v/ character tournament
- King of /v/ - The male /v/ character tournament