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Tiff Crust

From 4chan Tournaments Wiki

Tiff Crust is a character from the Nickelodeon cartoon My Life as a Teenage Robot. She acts as a foil to the protagonist Jenny Wakeman, who she holds a petty dislike for and regularly collaborates with her cousin Brit to bully at every opportunity. Due to her punkish mean girl attitude and short pear-shaped design, Tiff has received no shortage of waifufags and R34 from fans of alpha bitches and shortstacks alike.

Tournament History[edit]

In recent tournaments Tiff has become notable for having a large presence in the qualifiers stage, where she often receives significant thread support and OC dedicated to her by her fans. This became notable as she had previously fallen short of making it into the top 128, however in Ms. /co/ 2022 the large increase in the efforts by her supporters in creating large amounts of fanart paid off as she qualified with a respectable 35 seed. This was about as far as her success would go this year as she was immediately eliminated in the first round by fellow shortstack favorite Hekapoo, in a loss which could actually be seen as an upset due to her opponent's decidedly lower seed. Regardless of this defeat, Tiff fans expressed satisfaction at just having their character in the main tournament in the first place.

First mentioned by anons in Ms. /co/ 2022 who noticed the large amount of qualifiers OC made for Tiff, Creepy Susie, and Cheesecake Boeing 747 Saint Cherrywell, an alliance was formed by Ms. /co/ 2023 which has come to be known as the Teen Qualifier Squad made up of the three aforementioned characters. Potentially boosted by this alliance, Tiff entered the 2023 competition with a 12 seed and quickly became a major thread presence, receiving a massive push from her supporters, as well as the alliance consolidating its efforts onto her as she was the only one to actually qualify.

Despite all the thread presence she received Tiff only barely managed to avoid jobbing in the first round to furfag favorite Kitty Katswell by a margin of two votes (as a one vote margin would have still resulted in Tiff winning the tiebreaker via higher seed). She won a less harrowing match against Kimiko of the eventual winning series Xiaolin Showdown in the second round, putting her up against the similarly prominent Toph campaign. However Tiff lost the twerk off to her fellow Nicktoon candidate and was eliminated; nonetheless her campaign was remembered as one of the most notable of Ms. /co/ 2023.

Tiff returned again in 2023 as the very first nominated character of the tournament, and was immediately smacked right into a My Life as a Teenage Robot matchup against Queen Vexus. This proved to be a disastrous first round matchup for her, as the MLAATR fanbase that might normally rally behind Tiff was split between her and Vexus, and while Vexus had the vowed support of both the robofag and MILFfag alliances, Tiff's own alliance that built her up in 2023 was falling apart due to infighting over Cheesecake being kicked out and replaced with XJ-6 and Ruby Rose. Owing to these factors, Tiff would be eliminated in the first round by her fellow MLAATR rep.


Ms. /co/
2022 - seed 35
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 (94) Hekapoo Star vs the Forces of Evil 472 - 556 46.0%
2023 - seed 12
Round 1 (39) Kitty Katswell TUFF Puppy 273 - 272 50.1%
Round 2 (34) Kimiko Xiaolin Showdown 297 - 241 55.2%
Round 3 (2) Toph Beifong Avatar: The Last Airbender 177 - 254 44.7%
2024 - seed 22
Round 1 (46) Queen Vexus My Life as a Teenage Robot 434 - 542 44.5%


Ms. /co/
Tournaments 20182019202020212022202320242025
Champions Jenny XJ9 Spinel Dr. Mrs. The Monarch Betty Boop Fang Wuya Frankie Foster
Elite Eight
Bold indicates semifinalist status. Bold underlined indicates finishing as runner-up at least once.
Alex Azula Black Canary Blackfire Chel Clover ENA Eris EVE Harley Quinn Helen Parr Hilda Johanna Jucika Kim Possible Lord Dominator Marceline Miss Bellum Miss Pauling Mrs. Brisby Muriel Bagge Nani Pelekai Nicole Watterson Pearl Peridot Pomni Queen Tyr'ahnee Raven Shirley the Medium Starfire Shego Toph Beifong Velma Dinkley
Qualified Characters
Alice Amelia Bedelia Amity Anne Boonchuy Ariel Ashi Aunt Cass Beatrice Candace Flynn Captain Amelia‎ Creepy Susie Charlie Magne Coraline Death Demencia Dexter's Mom Eda Clawthorne Emmy Giffany Gwen (TD) Gwen Tennyson Gwenpool Hekapoo Izzy Jackie Lynn Thomas Jessica Rabbit Karen Kim Pine Leni Loud Librarian Lola Bunny Loona Luz Noceda Marcy Wu Marie (CotC) Marie Kanker Mira Miko Kubota Millie Noodle Pacifica Northwest Propane Princess Marco Rapunzel Ruby Rose Sasha Waybright Slappy Squirrel Snowman Star Butterfly Tak Tiff Crust Ty Lee Vanessa Doofenshmirtz Wendy Corduroy Wendy's MascotZatanna
Other Characters
Goldfish Crackers (Coral) • Incidental 87’s Mother
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