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'''Campaigning''' is a major tournament concept, in which anons create posts to bolster a character's thread presence and convince others to vote for their character, often in the forms of '''O'''riginal '''C'''ontent (such as art, writing and music), discussion about their character, and roleplay. Campaigning is seen as a major factor in a character's success, with less traditionally popular characters being able to make it big due to strong campaigning. [[The Batter|The Batter's]] and [[Wuya|Wuya's]] tournament victories are seen as notable examples of the importance campaigning can offer a character.
'''/dbs/''' (standing for '''D'''ragon '''B'''all '''S'''uper) denotes the posters of the series and characters of Dragon Ball, and their /a/ general of the same name. Despite being shitposters unrelated to any main tourney they have become a common and generally accepted, sometimes even welcome thread presence. /dbs/ tourney posting begain in Ms. /co/ 2021, and has been a presence of virtually every notable tourney since.
Memes and lingo pulled directly from the /dbs/ general are common, such as epic battles between [[Vegeta|Bejita]] and Goku, and "five minute Frieza's" announcement five minutes before the end of a round. Despite their presence they have no professed bias in the tourney's themselves and remain aloof from matches and results. Exceptions seem to include direct participation in minor side-tourneys and occasional shitpost spats with ''DTVA''.