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Ms. /co/ 2025

From 4chan Tournaments Wiki
4chan Tournaments
/co/mics & cartoons Ms. /co/ 20182019202020212022202320242025
Mr. /co/lympus 20182019202020212022202320242025
/v/idya Queen 201920202021202220232024
King 201920202021202220232024
/mlp/ My Little Pony Ms. /mlp/ 201920202021202220232024
Mr. /mlp/ 201920202021202220232024
plus4chan's /tnt/ - Tournaments & Events Tag-Team 201920202021202220232024
Co-Op 20232024
Other events Villains of /co/Heroes of /co/Villains of /v/Heroes of /v//cov/Heroes of /a/Villains of /a/
Other 4chan tournaments SaiGAR 2007SaiGAR 2008Ms. /aco/ 2021Ms. /aco/ 2022Ms. /aco/ 2023/an/lympics 2023/an/lympics 2024Emperor of /his/ 2023

Mr. /co/lympus 2025 Gallery

The 8th edition of the annual Ms. /co/ tournament is expected to occur during September of 2025. Specifics like hosts or the exact date are to be determined closer to the event starting, though this event is expected to decide the eighth and final member of the first fabled "Elite Elite Eight" (as it has been repeatedly called) for Ms. /co/.


Source: Stats anon's pastebin link

How to nominate?[edit]

  • To nominate a character, a user must include their name, picture, and series in their post. Nominating 2 or more characters in a single post is not allowed.
  • All characters must either originate from /co/ media: Western animation and comics
  • Each valid nomination must garner at least nine (9) replies in order to qualify for the contest. These replies are only counted if they are all within a single thread, and do NOT carry over to other threads.

Eligible Nominees[edit]

  • All female /co/ characters (except those listed under "Excluded characters" shown below)
  • Any character that was allowed or has appeared in past Ms. /co/ tournaments (Grandfather Clause)
  • Characters can be any age
  • Puppets are allowed (e.g. Muppets, Sesame Street)
  • Generalization Statute: Multiple versions of the same character --- be it from various adaptations, spin-off series, or alternative universes --- are combined into a single entrant. In other words, you are voting for the entire history of that character, not just one particular iteration.
    • Example: Zatanna (DC Comics, Young Justice, DC Super Hero Girls, etc.)
  • Character Limit: Each series can only have a maximum of three (3) girls in the main bracket. These are decided by their votes in the qualifying poll. However, there is no restriction on the number of girls that can be nominated from a single series.
    • Exceptions: Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and Disney core universe characters + related series (Mickey, Oswald, Goofy, and Donald)


  • Any character that is clearly not /co/ is not allowed (e.g. /a/nime and live action shows)
  • /v/ideo game characters that did not originate from /co/ media are not allowed
  • Real-life politicians that are portrayed as cartoon characters / caricatures are not allowed, satirical or otherwise.
  • No /mlp/ characters
  • No Board-tans
  • No "OC donut steels"
  • No meme creations (e.g. Virgin vs Chad)
  • No inanimate objects that aren't treated as distinct characters in their media of origin (based on a vote in the 2022 feedback)
  • One-Month Old Clause: Any character debuting from the 1st of the previous month to the start date are ineligible.
  • Grandfather Clause: All characters who have previously made it into Ms. /co/ or Mr. /co/lympus tournaments, and are not banned by the Elite 8 rule, are eligible to participate regardless of the above restrictions. (Examples: Dr. Eggman Dr. Eggman, Saxton Hale, JFK, Wendy's, Princess Zelda)

Excluded Characters[edit]

Elite Eight Rule: Characters appearing in the quarter-finals of the previous contest are not allowed to compete in this edition. They will be eligible for nomination next contest.

2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Jucika Queen Tyr'ahnee Marceline Blackfire Pomni ENA Kim Possible
Jucika Duck Dodgers Adventure Time DC Comics The Amazing Digital Circus ENA Kim Possible

Jenny Rule: Ms. /co/ champions are permanently retired, and will be barred from participating in future tournaments.

Ms. /co/ Champions (PERMANENTLY RETIRED)
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Jenny Wakeman Spinel Dr. Mrs. The Monarch Betty Boop Fang Wuya Frankie Foster
Teenage Robot Steven Universe Venture Bros. Betty Boop Primal Xiaolin Showdown Foster's Home

Qualifying Results[edit]


Tournament Bracket[edit]


Thread Links[edit]

  • Google Polls Results: TBD
Archived thread links:
  • Nominations:
  • Qualifiers:
  • Round 1:
  • Round 2:
  • Round 3:
  • Round 4:
  • Quarter-finals:
  • Semi-finals:
  • Finals:
  • Post-Tournament:


4chan Tournaments
/co/mics & cartoons Ms. /co/ 20182019202020212022202320242025
Mr. /co/lympus 20182019202020212022202320242025
/v/idya Queen 201920202021202220232024
King 201920202021202220232024
/mlp/ My Little Pony Ms. /mlp/ 201920202021202220232024
Mr. /mlp/ 201920202021202220232024
plus4chan's /tnt/ - Tournaments & Events Tag-Team 201920202021202220232024
Co-Op 20232024
Other events Villains of /co/Heroes of /co/Villains of /v/Heroes of /v//cov/Heroes of /a/Villains of /a/
Other 4chan tournaments SaiGAR 2007SaiGAR 2008Ms. /aco/ 2021Ms. /aco/ 2022Ms. /aco/ 2023/an/lympics 2023/an/lympics 2024Emperor of /his/ 2023

Ms. /co/
Tournaments 20182019202020212022202320242025
Champions Jenny XJ9 Spinel Dr. Mrs. The Monarch Betty Boop Fang Wuya Frankie Foster
Elite Eight
Bold indicates semifinalist status. Bold underlined indicates finishing as runner-up at least once.
Alex Azula Black Canary Blackfire Chel Clover ENA Eris EVE Harley Quinn Helen Parr Hilda Johanna Jucika Kim Possible Lord Dominator Marceline Miss Bellum Miss Pauling Mrs. Brisby Muriel Bagge Nani Pelekai Nicole Watterson Pearl Peridot Pomni Queen Tyr'ahnee Raven Shirley the Medium Starfire Shego Toph Beifong Velma Dinkley
Qualified Characters
Alice Amelia Bedelia Amity Anne Boonchuy Ariel Ashi Aunt Cass Beatrice Candace Flynn Captain Amelia‎ Creepy Susie Charlie Magne Coraline Death Demencia Dexter's Mom Eda Clawthorne Emmy Giffany Gwen (TD) Gwen Tennyson Gwenpool Hekapoo Izzy Jackie Lynn Thomas Jessica Rabbit Karen Kim Pine Leni Loud Librarian Lola Bunny Loona Luz Noceda Marcy Wu Marie (CotC) Marie Kanker Mira Miko Kubota Millie Noodle Pacifica Northwest Propane Princess Marco Rapunzel Ruby Rose Sasha Waybright Slappy Squirrel Snowman Star Butterfly Tak Tiff Crust Ty Lee Vanessa Doofenshmirtz Wendy Corduroy Wendy's MascotZatanna
Other Characters
Goldfish Crackers (Coral) • Incidental 87’s Mother