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In the Semi Finals round the host NightShiftAnon asked for new questions or rules to add to the Finals poll. These questions are required to be voted on. The rules/questions asked come with premade answers from anons. The rules up for voting were, “Should mascots be allowed?”, “Should randomized brackets still be allowed?”, and “Should the current host continue hosting next year?”.
In the Finals, these questions caused a stir, more specifically the final question. Some believed voting no would result in their votes being removed due to ‘the host claiming they were rigged’, and others believed the tournament had went smoothly. In a earlier rounds drawfags had been posting smut artwork of the host in favor of him, and this was also attributed to him gaining positive reception. Posters would then ask questions on who would host next year if the current host didn’t. Several namefags/tripcodes ‘came out of the woodwork’ to offer their services. Filling the thread with attention grabbing/seeking posts, and offering new rules they would implement if they hosted. Many saw this as detrimental to the tourney’s future. Viewing the situation as a power struggle. This display is believed to have caused a shift in voting. With most anons choosing to keep the current host. Reasons stated ranged from ‘NightShiftAnon redeemed himself’ to ‘There is no other good hosting option’. It was rumored to be a ‘4D chess move’ by the host, because he did not post during the round. A quote from the round was, “Nobody made a better argument to keep NSA than his detractors”.
The results of the new rules voting were yes to the Mascot rule (287 yes, 210 no), yes to randomized voting (386 yes, 111 no), and yes to keep the current host (353 yes, 144 no) with 497 voters total in the Final poll. The results of the third place match between Daffy and Courage resulted in the win for Courage (280 votes). This came with minor stir from voters, because the host mistakenly stated Courage was second place. The first place match between Carl and Zorak went to Zorak (282 votes).