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Master Chief

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Master Chief Gallery

John-117, also known as the Master Chief, is the main protagonist of the Halo franchise.

Tournament History[edit]


King of /v/
2019 - Unseeded
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 Wise Old Man RuneScape 240 - 159 60.2%
Round 2 Jack Frost Shin Megami Tensei 167 - 180 48.1%
2020 - Seed 29
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 (100) Geese Howard Fatal Fury 998 - 610 62.1%
Round 2 (36) King K Rool Donkey Kong 596 - 566 51.3%
Round 3 (4) JC Denton Deus Ex 320 - 826 27.9%
2021 - Seed 42
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 (87) Ganon The Legend of Zelda 649 - 510 56.0%
Round 2 (23) King Dedede Kirby 564 - 643 46.7%
2022 - Seed 73
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 (75) Steve Minecraft 763 - 470 61.9%
Round 2 (11) Coach Left 4 Dead 631 - 763 45.3%
2023 - Seed 63
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 (64) Kirby Kirby 296 - 412 41.8%
2024 - Seed 108
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 (71) Christopher Robin Winnie The Pooh Home Run Derby 478 - 448 51.6%
Round 2 (68) Quote Cave Story 426 - 405 51.3%
Round 3 (1) Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 291 - 455 39.0%


King of /v/ 2019
Finalists Senator Armstrong • 2nd Doomguy
Semi-finalists 3rd Kazuma Kiryu • 4th Phoenix Wright
Quarter-finalists 5th Solid Snake • 6th Heavy • 7th Duke Nukem • 8th Wario
Round 4 (Top 16) Bowser Dante Funky Kong Gordon Freeman JC Denton Jack Frost Leon Kennedy Scout
Round 3 (Top 32) Alien (Alien Hominid) Doc Louis Dr. Eggman Earthworm Jim Geese Howard Gene Godot Kyle Hyde King Of All Cosmos Kirby Luigi Mega Man X Priest Rance Richter Belmont Travis Touchdown
Round 2 (Top 64) Arthas Arthur Morgan Asura Bridget Captain Falcon CJ Master Chief Dagoth Ur Dynamo (Mega Man) Easy Pete Emil (Nier) Ezio Auditore da Firenze Fargoth Fox McCloud Francis York Morgan Gex Isaac King K Rool Kratos Link Marco Rossi Nagito Komaeda Nero Proto Man Scorpion Sissel Sol Badguy Sub-zero Subject Delta Super Macho Man Vulpes Inculta X-Com Guy
Round 1 (Top 128) 9-Volt Adol Christin Albert Wesker Banjo Battler Ushiromiya Caim (Drakengard) Dad (Dad n' me) Dutch Van Der Linde Eddie Riggs GF Buyer Geno Goose (Untitled Goose Game) Goro Majima Guile Hifumi Yamada Jak James Earl Cash Ren Amamiya Kain Ken Masters Kenji Setou King Kiwi The Bard Knight Lautrec of Carim Larry Foulke Louie Lucio Luka Main Character (My Friend Pedro) Marche Metal Sonic Mettaton Mr. Game & Watch Neku Sakuraba Ness Orionos Phantom R Pit Plague Knight Professor Layton Quote Ralsei Raziel Rean Schwarzer Ridley Robloxian Ryu Hayabusa Sigurd (Fire Emblem) Sir Daniel Fortesque Sora Spectre Knight Steve Sweet Tooth Terry Bogard The Warlock Tingle Vivi Walter (SMT) Walter Bennet Wheatley Wise Old Man Y.V Yoyo Yu Narukami
Excluded by Series Limit Template:Gray Fox Big BossTemplate:King Harkinian Vergil SansTemplate:Makoto Yuki "Fuhrer"
Did not qualify Not Important JPEG DogTemplate:Sho MinamimotoTemplate:KlonoaTemplate:Gilgamesh (Fate)Template:Dimitri Aleixandre BlaiddydTemplate:Goemon
King of /v/ 2020
Finalists Dante • 2nd Raiden
Semi-finalists 3rd Travis Touchdown • 4th Vergil
Quarter-finalists 5th JC Denton • 6th Jetstream Sam • 7th Miles Edgeworth • 8th Scout
Round 4 (Top 16) Dr. Eggman Regigigas Spy Goro Majima Agent 47 Captain Falcon Soldier Gordon Freeman
Round 3 (Top 32) Pepsiman Revolver Ocelot "Fuhrer" Albert Wesker Adam Jensen Chris Redfield Luigi Leon Kennedy G-Man Registeel Sundowner Big Smoke Dog (Silent Hill) King Of All Cosmos Bill Master Chief
Round 2 (Top 64) Ganon Kirby Frank Funky Kong Sephiroth CJ Helltaker Nero Jack Frost Simon Belmont Cave Johnson Shadow the Hedgehog Lvl 1 Crook Alucard Donkey Kong Ichiban Kasuga Zero King K Rool Max Payne Battler Ushiromiya Cacodemon Godot Postal Dude Richter Belmont Isaac Clarke Coach Engineer Gene Anonymous Dracula Jacket Baba
Round 1 (Top 128) Lanky Kong Regirock Kratos Jevil JPEG DogTemplate:Akinator Geralt of Rivia Patches Ancestor Bomberman Waluigi Cuphead Proto Man Ayin Frog Neo Cortex Handsome Jack Crash Bandicoot Crono Mega Man Tom Nook Steve Groose Dick Gumshoe KK Slider Not Important Sol Badguy Terry Bogard Mario Sekiro Dagoth Ur Asura M Bison Big Daddy Geese Howard Mega Man X Sissel Rance Kinzo Ushiromiya HUNK Nagito Komaeda Tohru Adachi King Dedede Joshua Graham Cloud Strife Quote Charles Demi-fiend Hokma Frank West Knuckles Ridley Mr House Banjo Morshu Regice Plague Knight Bowser 9S Sans Niko Bellic Meta Knight Arbiter Link
Excluded by Series Limit Template:Demoman (TF2)Template:Medic (TF2)Template:Sniper (TF2)Template:Pyro (TF2)Template:Monsoon (Metal Gear)Template:OtaconTemplate:Kazuhira MillerTemplate:Liquid SnakeTemplate:Creaking SkullTemplate:HideoTemplate:Merchant (Resident Evil)Template:Dr WilyTemplate:Gray Fox
Did not qualify Henry Stickmin Brad Armstrong Dark Sun Gwyndolin Missile Lucas ConkerTemplate:Viewtiful JoeTemplate:Kotomine Kirei (Fate)Template:Shitass (Minecraft) Ezio Auditore da Firenze
King of /v/ 2021
Finalists The Batter • 2nd Dr. Eggman
Semi-finalists 3rd Kazuma Kiryu • 4th Morshu
Quarter-finalists 5th Wario • 6th Leon Kennedy • 7th Heavy • 8th Nyarlathotep
Round 4 (Top 16) AM AM Brad Armstrong Charles Doomguy Kirby Phoenix Wright Solid Snake Spamton
Round 3 (Top 32) Agent 47 Albert Wesker Big Boss Demi-fiend Dracula Duke Nukem Garland Godot Goro Majima Jack Frost King Dedede Max Payne Rance Revolver Ocelot Solaire Soldier
Round 2 (Top 64) Alucard Asura Baba Big Daddy Big Smoke Captain Falcon CJ Cave Johnson Chaos Master Chief Chris Redfield Coach Donkey Kong Dick Gumshoe G-Man Gordon Freeman Grimm Isaac Clarke Luigi Meta Knight Neo Cortex Nero Niko Bellic Not Important Pepsiman Postal Dude Regigigas Ridley Sekiro Simon Belmont Spy Tohru Adachi
Round 1 (Top 128) 9S Adam Jensen Alex Eggleston Ancestor Artorias Ayin Banjo Battler Ushiromiya Bowser Conker Crash Bandicoot Cuphead Dagoth UrTemplate:Daisaku Kuze Dark Sun Gwyndolin Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Francis Frank West Frog Funky KongTemplate:Ganondorf Gene Gex Handsome Jack Harry Du Bois Helltaker Henry Stickmin Impostor Jevil Joshua Graham King Dice King K RoolTemplate:King of All Cosmos Kratos Link Ludwig Mega Man Missile Mothman Mr. Game & Watch Mr House Nick Papa Nier Pyramid Head Quote Rando Armstrong Raven Beak Reynauld Roland Ryu Hayabusa Sephiroth Shadow the Hedgehog Sissel Sol Badguy Sonic the Hedgehog Starwalker Steve Strelok Terry Bogard The Hunter The Knight Tom Nook Waluigi Zagreus
Excluded by Series Limit EngineerTemplate:Medic (TF2) SundownerTemplate:Demoman (TF2)Template:Sniper (TF2)Template:Saxton Hale SansTemplate:Kris DreemurTemplate:Pyro (TF2)Template:BerdleyTemplate:Monsoon (Metal Gear)Template:Merchant (Resident Evil)Template:Lancer PapyrusTemplate:Kazuhira MillerTemplate:Ethan WintersTemplate:Annoying Dog HUNK Ichiban KasugaTemplate:Louis (L4D)Template:MettatonTemplate:Rouxls Kaard Mario GrooseTemplate:Matador (SMT)Template:Blade Wolf (Metal Gear)
Did not qualify Template:Nahobino Ralsei IsaacTemplate:Dismas Plague KnightTemplate:Argalia Parappa Bomberman Giygas Lucas
King of /v/ 2022
Finalists Jack Garland • 2nd Jack Frost
Semi-finalists 3rd JC Denton • 4thAM AM
Quarter-finalists 5th Travis Touchdown • 6th Phoenix Wright • 7th Albert Wesker • 8th Luigi
Round 4 (Top 16) Agent 47 Christopher Robin Engineer Mario Pepsiman Simon Belmont Solid Snake Vergil
Round 3 (Top 32) Asura Battler Ushiromiya Captain Falcon Chris Redfield Coach Duke Nukem Gordon Freeman Isaac Clarke Isaac Kleiner Jetstream Sam Kirby Link Postal Dude Scout The Knight Tony Hawk
Round 2 (Top 64) Alucard Bomberman Brad Armstrong Charles Master Chief Cuphead Donkey Kong Doomguy Dung Eater Father Garcia Frog Gabriel Gene Grimm Helltaker John Ward Joshua Graham King Dedede King K Rool King Of All CosmosTemplate:Max (Sam & Max) Mega Man Meta Knight Miles Edgeworth Mr. Game & Watch QuoteTemplate:Sam (Sam & Max) Sans Solaire Spamton Tohru Adachi Wheatley
Round 1 (Top 128) Adam Jensen Alex Eggleston Arbiter Ayin Banjo Big Daddy Bill Bowser CJ Cave Johnson Companion Cube Crash Bandicoot Demi-fiend Dick Gumshoe Dracula Dwarf Earthworm Jim Ellis Emperor of Mankind Frank West Funky Kong G-Man Giygas Goro Majima Groose Harry Du Bois Henry Stickmin Hollow Knight Jacket Jevil Keke Kim Kitsuragi King Dice Lucas Luka Metal Sonic Mike Tyson Mr House N Neo Cortex Nero Ness Niko Bellic Not Important Pac-Man Parappa Patches Pit Rance Rando Armstrong Red Crewmate Regigigas Ridley Roland Sonic the Hedgehog Starscourge Radahn Steve The Hunter Tom Nook V1 Zagreus Zero ???
Excluded by Series Limit Raiden Revolver Ocelot Big Boss SoldierTemplate:Medic (TF2)Template:Demoman (TF2)Template:Sniper (TF2)Template:Saxton Hale SundownerTemplate:Sneed (Mario) Waluigi Shadow the HedgehogTemplate:Liquid SnakeTemplate:OtaconTemplate:Pot of GreedTemplate:King Harkinian IsaacTemplate:Merchant (Resident Evil)Template:Venom Snake GanonTemplate:Mecha SonicTemplate:Berdley Papyrus HUNKTemplate:HideoTemplate:Kris Dreemur Starwalker Lanky KongTemplate:Solidus SnakeTemplate:Kazuhira MillerTemplate:Monsoon (Metal Gear)
Did not qualify Rayman Havel the Rock Ludwig Oersted Lorde The Judge Proto Man Ancestor The Pale King Shovel Knight
King of /v/ 2023
Finalists Grimm • 2nd Dr. Eggman
Semi-finalists 3rd John Ward • 4th Demi-fiend
Quarter-finalists 5th Scout • 6th Solid Snake • 7th Kazuma Kiryu • 8th Rayman
Round 4 (Top 16) Isaac Clarke Pepsiman Wario Spy Father Garcia Leon Kennedy Raiden Miles Edgeworth
Round 3 (Top 32) Agent 47 Duke Nukem Gordon Freeman Donkey Kong Postal Dude Giygas Alex Eggleston Geralt Kirby Jacket Dagoth Ur Alucard Big Smoke Charles Peppino Vergil
Round 2 (Top 64) Adam Jensen Doomguy Quote Dracula Dick Gumshoe Isaac Kleiner William Afton Big Daddy Goro Majima Isaac Roland Sans Max Payne Kefka Hollow Knight Frog Brad Armstrong G-Man Mario Neo Cortex Niko Bellic Chris Redfield X James Sunderland Rance Battler Ushiromiya Link Tohru Adachi Not Important Coach Harry Du Bois
Round 1 (Top 128) Earthworm Jim Red Crewmate Helltaker Joshua Graham King Dice N Sonic the Hedgehog Funky Kong Solaire Bill Icon of Sin Captain Falcon Jevil Nick Pit Shadow the Hedgehog Andrew Graves Shovel Knight Bowser Banjo Bomberman Tom Nook Patches Red Pikmin Kim Kitsuragi Asura Anon Asura King Boo Geno Cuphead Morshu Gex Master Chief Meta Knight Frank West Mega Man The Nerd Simon Belmont Sephiroth Wheatley Conker Little Mac King Dedede Cave Johnson Dung Eater Ness Crash Bandicoot Johnny Cage Zero Crono Waluigi Fox McCloud King Of All Cosmos CJ Christopher Robin Handsome Jack Nero Ridley Spamton King K Rool Ganon Gene The Hunter Heavy
King of /v/ 2024
Finalists Shadow the Hedgehog • 2nd JC Denton
Semi-finalists 3rd Jetstream Sam • 4th Peppino
Quarter-finalists 5th Raiden • 6thAM AM • 7th Luigi • 8th Neo Cortex
Round 4 (Top 16) Pepsiman Phoenix Wright Doomguy CJ Heavy Regigigas Wario Captain Falcon
Round 3 (Top 32) Crash Bandicoot Waluigi Master Chief Ellis Kirby Donkey Kong Postal Dude Isaac Clarke Travis Touchdown Little Mac Miles Edgeworth Metal Sonic Revolver Ocelot Mario Gordon Freeman Dagoth Ur
Round 2 (Top 64) Sissel Nick Battler Ushiromiya Nero Father Garcia Quote Steve Charles Vergil Tom Nook The Narrator Link G-Man Fox McCloud HUNK Earthworm Jim Albert Wesker Gex Bowser Frog Conker Jacket Leon Kennedy Simon Belmont Combine Officer Spy Harry Du Bois Sekiro Soldier Dracula Jack Frost Alucard
Round 1 (Top 128) Sans Joshua Graham Brad Armstrong Impostor Typhlosion N Roland Ridley Artorias Mega Man Asura Christopher Robin Banjo Nyarlathotep Agent 47 Isaac Cave Johnson Big Smoke Geralt of Rivia The Hunter Ao Oni Sephiroth The Knight Johnny Cage Shovel Knight Cuphead King K Rool Crono Dick Gumshoe King Dedede Andrew Graves X Coach William Afton Rando Armstrong Gex Ganon Pac-Man Papyrus Big Daddy Patches Crazy Dave Pit Alex Eggleston Freddy Fazbear Frank West The Long Quiet King Dice Spamton Missile Funky Kong Duke Nukem Sonic the Hedgehog James Sunderland Grand Dad Morshu Wheatley The Nerd Red Pikmin Nagito Komaeda Ness Giygas Meta Knight Tohru Adachi
King of /v/
Tournaments 201920202021202220232024
Champions Senator Armstrong Dante The Batter Jack Garland Grimm Shadow the Hedgehog
Elite Eight
Bold indicates semifinalist status. Bold underlined indicates finishing as runner-up at least once.
AM AM Albert Wesker Demi-fiend Doomguy Duke Nukem Dr. Eggman "Fuhrer" Heavy Jack Frost JC Denton Jetstream Sam John Ward Kazuma Kiryu Leon Kennedy Luigi Miles Edgeworth Morshu Neo Cortex Peppino Phoenix Wright Raiden Rayman Scout Solid Snake Travis Touchdown Vergil Wario
Qualified Characters
Adam Jensen Agent 47 Ancestor Ayin Baba Banjo Battler Ushiromiya Brad Armstrong Captain Falcon Charles Chris Redfield Christopher Robin CJ Coach Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd Doc Louis Dracula Engineer Frank West Frog Gene Geralt of Rivia Giygas Gordon Freeman Goro Majima Harry Du Bois Hollow Knight Isaac Clarke Isaac Kleiner Jacket James Sunderland Jevil Joshua Graham JPEG Dog Kefka King Boo King Dedede King Of All Cosmos Kirby Little Mac Luka Mario Max Payne Meta Knight Pepsiman Postal Dude Rance Regigigas Revolver Ocelot Ridley Roland Sekiro Soldier Spamton Spy The Hunter The Knight Tohru Adachi Waluigi Zero
Other Characters
Claptrap Philemon Yugi
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