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From 4chan Tournaments Wiki
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The hosts are the people in charge of running the various tournaments on both 4chan and /tnt/.

Recently Active Hosts[edit]

The following hosts have all been active in managing recent tournaments, and as such are the primary eligible hosts to be available to take charge of tournaments for the foreseeable future.


Coayynon, usually just called Coay, is one of the two current main hosts in the wake of both NightShiftAnon being fired and Ballsanon retiring. He was one of the two hosts, along with Samaritanon, to first take over Tag-Team 2022 in the wake of TempAnon's mass incompetency. This tournament would be marred with controversy over accusations of /trash/posters skewing the results after Temp got early threads sent there, although this wasn't blamed heavily on either host. Both Coay and Samaritan would go on to host the first Co-op tournament alongside Ballsanon, with this better helping to solidify both new hosts. Coay would split off to act as the solo host of the third Ms. /aco/ tournament (ironically held on /trash/) before graduating to a major host for Mr. /co/lympus 2023. He would later be one of the six hosts in both Queen of /v/ and King of /v/ 2023. In the wake of the turn against NightShiftAnon following King 2023, Coay would be one of the first major communicators in helping to clarify on the other hosts' side. With the incident mostly cooling down, Coay would go on to act as the sole host of Tag-Team 2023 and work alongside Samaritanon again for both Co-op 2024 and /cov/. He has most recently hosted Heroes of /a/ and will soon host Villains of /a/, two successors to /v/ and /co/ equivalents hosted by Samaritan the previous year.


Samaritanon is one of the two current main hosts in the wake of both NightShiftAnon being fired and Ballsanon retiring. Like Coayynon, he stepped in to take over Tag-Team 2022 after Temp nearly got tournaments banned from /co/ and possibly the entire main site. He hosted alongside Coay and Ballsanon during Co-op 2023, but would take on a more ambitious project by hosting four consecutive new tournaments all also hosted on tnt. He would later become one of the six hosts of both Queen of /v/ and King of /v/ 2023, marking his debut as one of the major hosts.


Ballsanon was a leading host for several events starting in late 2022 and going throughout most of 2023. He would first assist during Queen of /v/ and King of /v/ 2022, although he was mostly absent during the later rounds of the latter tournament. He would remain involved in both main and smaller tournaments, working alongside then-new hosts Coayynon and Samaritanon for the first Co-op Tournament and acting as the sole host of the inaugural /an/lympics tournament on the Animals & Nature board of 4chan. He would be set up to host all four main tournaments in late 2023, and was particularly vocal during both Mr. /co/lympus 2023 and Queen of /v/ 2023. During Ms. /co/ 2023, he would apparently be absent for most of the tournament due to some real-life situations to handle. During these tournaments, he would gain some criticism for how he responded to certain concerns by anons. People saw him as acting dodgy in a few instances, which did make him seem somewhat less trustworthy to certain anons. Still, he wouldn't be as controversial as fellow host NightShiftAnon and even gained some goodwill when he took over to announce the results of Queen of /v/ 2023 that mostly reversed the controversial implementation of the losers' bracket and the attempt to merge it into the main bracket at the end of the tournament.

At the very start of King of /v/ 2023, Ballsanon shocked nearly everyone by suddenly resigning as host and claiming he likely wouldn't be seen again around the tournaments. He didn't elaborate much further beyond it involving issues separate from the tournaments, adding to the shock behind his departure. Many were disappointed, as he was seen as a relatively competent host and certainly the most vocal host at the time. Following the weeks of revelations against NightShiftAnon, Ballsanon would actually return on /tnt/. He would give clarification on his interactions with NightShiftAnon and gave credence that she had seriously pushed for several controversial tournament decisions, among other related information. Humorously, he also confirmed he had been behind some of the more humorous posts related to both Frieza and Donald Trump.

During Mr. /co/lympus 2023, Balls would also host a side tournament that acted similarly to a losers' bracket. He did this without his trip and only confirmed himself to be behind the event upon his eventual return to posting in early 2024.

Ballsanon would be promoted back to hosting the major tournaments in 2024, starting with Ms. /co/ 2024. Due to his longevity as a host, some have treated him as the current main face of the hosts despite them (thus far) seeming to be working on more even grounds post-NSA. This and his prior associations with her has caused some to use him as the first to blame for incidents, such as when the qualifier form for the aforementioned Ms. /co/ 2024 was initially not opened directly. Still, most of this can be bottled up with general host criticisms. Thus far, the biggest controversy spawned by Balls was when he shared a copypasta related to Spider-Man's run during the finals of Mr. /co/lympus 2024. This became a short-term controversy that brought back up questions of fears around hosts campaigning on the side, even if a number of anons were quick to point out the disparity between a situation like this and what happened with NightShiftAnon. Balls had clarified he had done this all while being drunk and playing Team Fortress 2. Nonetheless, it was near unanimously agreed that Balls had fucked up in this instance, with him later agreeing on such and taking leave as host for the final stretch of the tournament. This incident did largely dissipate afterwards with Spider-Man still managing to win over Kermit by a wide margin, though anons have still joked about "THE STRONGEST' part from the copypasta. The biggest consequence of this all was Cumanon having a public outburst at Balls and quitting as a result, an incident that arguably got more actual backlash from anons. Balls is currently hosting the /v/ tournaments once again.


Penisanon is my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

he's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

Mr. Sir The Guymanbro / Bill Clinton[edit]

Mr. Sir The Guymanbro is a host who has been an active tournament participant for a few years, albeit without a trip up until very recently. Prior to becoming a formal host, he would go under the moniker of 42nd United States president Bill Clinton and act as the host of a side tournament event during all four main tournaments known as the Barred from {tournament name} tournaments. These events would collect around 32 nominees who were either left off qualifier forms for various reasons or didn't manage to make the main tournament bracket, giving them a chance to compete against each other to determine the "Financial Accountant" to their respective tournament's eventual champion. People would respond positively to these events and even make some OC for them. A couple other anons going by "Dill Clinton" and "Al Gore" would play off Bill by reposting the tournament's polls and making lists of potential barred nominees, respectively, but neither would actually host the event.

With Ballsanon having retired as a tournament host at the end of 2023, a new person to take over for a second installment of /an/lympics in the new year was needed. The barred tournament host would volunteer, and during the tournament he would take on his new name of Mr. Sir the Guymanbro. Most anons would still call him Bill regardless despite the name change. The tournament itself would go fairly smoothly up until the end, when one anon made the claim that he had been rigging for the top seed and eventual champion bumblebees the entire time. Doubts begin to arise on the validity of these claims, but they did mar the tournament's overall reception. Mr. Sir did try to keep anons calm by expressing that he didn't believe any actual rigging had occurred upon his own analysis, but couldn't quite stop the shitstorm that ensued. While there were several people that disliked how he handled his first serious hosting outing, others felt that the issues that arose during the tournament were independent of whoever ended up hosting it. Mr. Sir's future hosting is currently not clear, although he has expressed disappointment on the overall outcome of the second /an/lympics. He has claimed he has no plans to be a host for the main /v/ tournaments, and clarified that he is mostly just ready to take over if a certain tournament simply has no other host on the ready.

Absent Hosts[edit]

The following hosts never retired or were otherwise removed as hosts, but simply left without any word of departure.

stats anon[edit]

Stats anon, often called just Stats, was the third tournament host and would end up being the first to manage multiple different tournaments. Prior to becoming a host, he would already rise as a key player within the tournaments. First jumping in to make bracket pictures starting with the very first /co/ tournament, he would end up having to properly relay the results after the host of the first Mr. /co/lympus was caught rigging in favor of Captain America. He would later be the one to primarily draft up the first concrete form of current rules that would be used in future major tournaments. Following OP's resignation in the middle of Ms. /co/ 2019, Stats would be the obvious replacement and subsequently jumped in to host the tournament's final two rounds. He would end up hosting the entirely of Mr. /co/lympus 2019, and afterwards would be trusted enough to host both the Ms. /co/ and Mr. /co/lympus tournaments during 2020 and 2021.

As Mr. /co/lympus 2021 approached, anons began to be concerned at the lack of any comments by Stats. His last posts had been the afterparty threads for Ms. /co/ 2021 the month prior, with no telling replies in those threads. New hosts would eventually step up to take his place after the wait became too concerning, although he was still listed as a "missing host" throughout the tournament. To this day, nobody knows what happened to Stats or why he just suddenly stopped hosting the tournaments. It's been said by a number of anons in the years since that Stats just outright died right after Ms. /co/ 2021, and while this is often said in jest it has also not yet been disproved. Many still hail Stats as the best host to date, specifically praising his standardization of tournament norms, his fast responses during nomination threads, and his overall professional behavior while hosting.

Retired / Removed Hosts[edit]

The following hosts either willingly stepped down as hosts or were forcibly removed as hosts due to direct involvement in certain incidents.


The very first modern tournament host was simply called OP and was the sole host of the first iteration of Ms. /co/ in 2018. OP would return to host Ms. /co/ 2019 the following year, but would end up seeing himself as guilty in the face of the year's voting controversy around Spinel. He would finally snap at the start of semi-finals, suddenly resigning and going as far to jeopardize his his identifier by sharing the password for his trip (simply #msco).[1] Assuming another anon wasn't masquerading, his last comment during the tournament would be as follows:

"My last true post here. I am deeply sorry for failing this board and being a terrible excuse of a tournament manager. I will never host again, and I will do a flip like that one anon asked. Goodbye."

The response towards his rash retirement was very negative and disgraced his legacy, not that it mattered with his sole trip abandoned. In retrospect, OP has been largely forgotten as a host and would soon be overshadowed by his replacement, stats anon.

Mr. /co/ tourney guy[edit]

Interest in a male counterpart to Ms. /co/ would be high, but with OP sitting out a new host would be required. This led to the arrival of an anon who simply went by the Mr. /co/ tourney guy, although he had used his trip as early as 2016. During the tournament, Captain America would emerge as a surprisingly durable candidate as he started to win against some highly beloved characters by closed margins. This would persist all the way to the finals, where he faced the very obvious tournament favorite Johnny Bravo. Johnny was initially announced to have lost to Captain America, which was met with a fair amount of vocal disappointment. This led to people calling out Captain America's prior results, and eventually the host would fess up that Johnny had won by a wide margin. [2] This was met with a lot of deserved backlash, and stats would later admit that he believed both Samurai Jack and Courage had truly won against Captain America the prior two rounds. The host would admit "the power took over", and after apologizing for screwing up the tournament he would abandon his trip.

The end of the first Mr. /co/lympus has endured as the most blatant example of tournament rigging, and a potential warning of how tournaments can be skewed by corrupted hosts. Many attribute the gradual decline in comic characters' results during future tournaments in large part to Captain America being the host's main and prime benefactor from rigging the results, and the character himself has never qualified again.

Ghost / Dominos Anon[edit]

Ghost, formerly known as Dominos Anon, has been a host for several tournaments going all the way back to the second King of /v/. During this tournament, she would host alongside veteran host sheets anon. Later, she was one of the three anons to step up to host the aforementioned tournament after the sudden disappearance of Stats. Like the other hosts in question, she would respond on a thread in search of anons to take over the tournament.[3] She would later host both main /v/ tournaments, including her first Queen of /v/ outing.

Dominos would first enter some controversy when the hosts of King of /v/ 2021 would bring forward concerns that "Fuhrer" had possibly been rigged into the tournament's Elite Eight by primarily /pol/ users. Alleged evidence included voting patterns and, more infamously, the association that /pol/ voters might have been more willing to vote against any Deltarune character (relevant with new campaign favorite Spamton). This was met with an array of responses, largely either skeptical or outright negative. Her biggest controversy, however, would occur shortly after Dominos stepped in to help host Tag-Team 2021 in light of management issues. The tournament seemed to mostly go smoother, but after votes were caught being changed after the time up rigging had been discovered. Fellow host Numnuts was quick to turn against Dominos and reveal she had been campaigning for and roleplaying as Alastor of the "Demonic Hosts" team. This led to Dominos clapping back by revealing that Numnuts had not only been roleplaying as the team's other member Chris McLean from Total Drama but also was the infamous Tourneyanon. While Numnuts fessed up to being the rigger and got the bulk of the flack, this incident still led to serious doubts toward Dominos as a host over both the inability to stop him and the active campaigning while also acting as a host. This would be seen at the time as being the end of Dominos' hosting career.

During Ms. /co/ 2022, both NightShift and Fern would return as hosts from previous tournaments along with a mysterious new third host known as Ghost. NightShift would make an off-hand claim at one point that the two already knew each other. Ghost would be fairly quiet as a host, largely being around just to cover host posting during certain time zones. Despite their silence, Ghost would be marked as a host and post throughout all the main tournaments during both the remainder of 2022 and the whole of 2023. Theories that Ghost had been a new name for Dominos weren't unheard of amongst tourney regulars, but there was no direct proof or widespread acceptance of this speculation. During the downfall of NightShiftAnon, however, Ghost would finally admit to being Dominos as part of her response on the matter. This revelation was not treated positively, although it wasn't taken as that big a surprise at the same time. Ghost would go on to clarify she had previously had a good relationship with NightShift, but would turn against her primarily due to mistrust. Considering that she had gone around to become a supporting host under a new name after the incidents as Dominos, Ghost currently possesses a tough relationship amongst anons. Some have been more forgiving and even open to her still hosting, but others have been blunt in expressing distrust in her ever acting as a host again. It is at least a clear consensus that she shouldn't host any future tournaments on her own or in a leading position. Ghost herself has previously claimed to be toying with retiring from hosting herself to pursue career opportunities, but has more recently considered still being open to keep hosting in some capacity. Whether this will actually happen or not remains to be seen, along with the inevitable reactions this might cause among anons. She would not be a part of hosting any of the major tournaments held in 2024.


NightShiftAnon was a major host from 2021 to 2023. She was one of the three hosts to step in as a new host after Stats suddenly disappeared, alongside Brackets and Dominos.[3] Unlike the other two, she didn't have prior tournament hosting experience. Despite this, she would quickly grow to prominence as one of the major tournament hosts. NightShift has confirmed to mostly just know cartoons on multiple occasions, but despite this would still end up hosting both Queen and King of /v/ later in 2021. Starting in 2022, she would jump to the forefront as the most vocal host by far in all four of the main tournaments.

NightShift would enter into several levels of controversy throughout her hosting gigs, with the first major incident occurring in Ms. /co/ 2022 over accusations of certain furry girls on the bracket being rigged forward. The response toward this would be controversial, and would sew seeds of doubt that would hang over NightShift for the rest of her hosting career. Despite this, her reception as a tournament host would remain mostly mixed. Some would actively push for her to step down, but others felt she was simply just one of the few viable options to lead the major tournaments. During Ms. /co/ 2023, she would drop one of her most infamous statements about her being the one in charge of the tournaments now. This statement would be widely criticized by anons. She also got embroiled in more controversy over her judgement on whether certain characters should qualify or not, with some infamous examples including King Kong, Kainé from NieR, and Rebecca from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners.

Removal as Host[edit]

Main Article: NightShiftAnon / OnlyFansart incident

Arguably the biggest controversy thus far that NightShift would enter involved the implementation of double elimination into Queen of /v/ 2023. A losers' bracket had been voted on during the finals of previous King of /v/, the concept would come under frequent criticism from anons in the threads due to both fair concerns over its actual implementation and the fact it hadn't been directly voted for in Queen of /v/. Despite this, the losers' bracket would admittedly gain some positive traction for how it expanded certain campaigns for girls, most notably SHODAN from System Shock. The reception would begin turning south, however, as the prospect of this bracket's winner actually facing off against the finals winner settled in. After a highly well-received finals between winner Curly Brace and runner-up Amaterasu, many anons were taken aback by a "losers' finals" right after between the latter girl and SHODAN. There was backlash towards both the general possibility of a crown steal and the mere fact time was being spent on this round instead of an immediate face-off between Curly and SHODAN, with the latter having even been expected by the other hosts. An apparent majority of anons were quick to defend Curly as the proper winner of the tournament, though a few vocal defenders of the loser bracket's implementation would speak up. The most infamous and openly ridiculed of these defenses was one artist who drew art that was derogatory towards Amaterasu, either presenting her as a "Reddit dog" or putting her in a muzzle. In the end, the grand finals allowed anons to vote to have the final results simply prioritize the Elite Eight from rounds 5 to 7, with the results themselves notably being announced by Ballsanon.

Later during the afterparty threads of King of /v/ 2023, an anon with Erika Furudo as an avatar would come out claiming that the muzzle art had been made by a DeviantArt user called OnlyFansart. It had been discovered that the art in question had all been uploaded by the same person, whom this anon had managed to connect to a regular tournament artist who campaigned for notable characters like Wuya, Midna, Zim, and Bayonetta. He also implied that there was something else related to the hosts that he opted to not mention. The initial response towards all this ranged from mixed to negative, but the general connections with this artist would stick in several anon's minds. One anon discovered this artist had apparently shared her Discord tag in a Magma drawing session, with this exact tag being found to be owned by NightShiftAnon. This led to weeks of further evidence being dug up to effectively confirm that NightShift and this artist were in fact the same person. The same artist was also connected to the main supporter of Wesker during King of /v/ 2022 who was highly believed to have had a meltdown when he lost to AM during quarterfinals, with the connection to the tournament's primary host giving this incident far more attention. Despite a couple haphazard and largely dodgy attempts to defend herself, NightShift would be almost entirely turned against by anons over these revelations. She promised a Pastebin defending herself, but when over a month passed with no update on this people pushed for the hosts to threaten NightShift with forced removal if it didn't show up. A week after /cov/ ended, this finally occurred and NightShift has been officially disowned as a host. No further response has been given by her, and it remains to be seen if she will even show up around the main tournaments in 2024.

Cumanon / Cumslut[edit]

Cumanon, previously going by Cumslut prior to a suggestion to change his name to match most of the other hosts, is currently the newest tournament host. He first made his appearance around the time former host NightShiftAnon was being accused of various tournament-related incidents, volunteering to host alongside a "couple friends". (He would later claim that these friends wouldn't actually be stepping in to host.) People were skeptical at first, with some even thinking he might be Numnuts in disguise. Other hosts would, however, come to his defense and express some confidence that he was genuine. Cumanon first assisted as a host alongside Coayynon and Samaritanon during /cov/. He would later host a short tournament outing between various colors called simply the Colors Tournament, with it having been an idea he proposed around the same time he volunteered to host. This was a more experimental tournament, with a more unique template for nomination pictures and the first incident of a three-way finals match. At this time, a few anons have expressed some concerns on him acting a little too informal a couple times during /cov/, but at this time hadn't stirred up any serious controversy.

After getting past his earlier hosting gigs with no serious issue, Cumanon was allowed to co-host during both Ms. and Mr. /co/ later in the year. Despite being more of a /v/-centric user, he was able to cover posting during more awkward hours for the other hosts. While not stirring much incident at first, he did come close to outright quitting during voting drama that occurred right after the quarterfinals in Ms. /co/ 2024. He did eventually go back on this after being reminded of Ms. /co/'s rough track record with drama, and would return for the male tournament the following month. All would go smoother until the final round. After Ballsanon got some heat for reposting a Spider-Man shitpost with his trip on, this led to some going as far as to say he was biased toward the character. While these claims were ultimately buried and mostly forgotten after initial reactions, it didn't stop Cumanon from publicly expressing his distaste toward Balls over it and quitting his hosting job for good on what was later clarified to be voluntary on his part. This incident led anons observing the situation to lose their trust in Cum, finding his rash reaction here on top of previous red flags to be a sign he was truly not befit to host tournaments. Some even said he might be underage off his behavior, although this was obviously never collaborated.

Due to his sudden departure and subsequent reaction on top of general opinion from other anons, it is very unlikely that Cumanon will be working with the other hosts again. He had begun to propose a mascots tournament to be held in spring of 2025, but this was almost certainly canned alongside him no longer being a primary tournament host.

Fern avatarfag[edit]

Fern avatarfag, or just Fern, was a minor supporting host during both the start of Tag-Team 2021 and the entirety of Ms. /co/ 2022. He was mainly around to just manage nominations of both tournaments, and to post a few new threads during the latter. According to at least one of his posts, he was a college student at the time of him assisting and mentioned how that might affect his posting schedule. When someone asked NightShiftAnon about teaching Fern to properly host, he popped in himself to simply state he didn't want to do it.[4] He pushed NightShift to have form results be open during Ms. /co/ 2022 in advance of the soon-to-follow incidents during the tournament.

He last appeared under his trip in October 2023 to confirm he had just gone back to posting anonymously.

  1. Desuarchive - OP retires.
  2. Desuarchive - Mr. /co/ tourney guy admits he lied about Captain America winning.
  3. 3.0 3.1 plus4chan - The thread where new hosts would step in to replace stats anon.
  4. Desuarchive - Fern confirming he doesn't want to properly host.
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