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Black Canary

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Black Canary is the superheroine alias of two characters featured in DC Comics: Dinah Drake and her daughter Dinah Laurel Lance. A highly skilled martial artist, her signature ability is a destructive scream named the "Canary Cry". First appearing in 1947 on the 86th issue of Flash Comics volume 1, Black Canary is one of DC's oldest and longest-running superheroines. She is mainly associated with the teams Justice League and Birds of Prey.

Tournament History[edit]

In the Ms. /co/ tournaments, Black Canary is best known for her Cinderella run in Ms. /co/ 2018. As a 66th seed, she took down 2nd seeded Jessica Rabbit in the 2nd round. Her upset victory generated momentum which eventually landed her an appearance in the quarter-finals, where she lost to Kim Possible and ultimately placing 8th after the consolation round. She is currently the second-oldest Ms. /co/ character to make the Elite Eight (after Betty Boop, who debuted in 1930, won 2021).

However, Black Canary's result appeared to be a fluke, as she had a poor qualifying performance in the 2020 contest, placing 296th out of 1093 nominees. She was the only returning non-champion contestant from 2018 who failed to earn a tournament berth that year. She fared worse in 2021, placing 343rd out of 961 nominees. As of yet, Black Canary has not qualified for another tournament since 2018.

Since her Elite Eight debut, Black Canary has become infamous as one of the most out of place characters in any tournament's shared Elite Eight roster, as though other characters have failed to qualify for various reasons after their Elite Eight appearance, none have fallen into complete obscurity and consistently failed to qualify afterwards as hard as Black Canary.

Will Black Canary ever qualify again, let alone make it back to the Elite Eight? Only time will tell, starting in 2024.


Ms. /co/
2018 - seed 66
Round Opponent Series Votes Pct. For
Round 1 (63) Death DC 173 - 155 52.7%
Round 2 (2) Jessica Rabbit Who Framed Roger Rabbit 175 - 161 52.1%
Round 3 (31) Jasmine Aladdin 199 - 133 59.9%
Round 4 (15) Jinx DC 159 - 138 53.5%
Quarterfinals (7) Kim Possible Kim Possible 150 - 200 42.9%
5th-8th (8) Chel
(6) Helen Parr
(4) Harley Quinn
The Road to El Dorado
The Incredibles
??? ???%
(8th place)


Ms. /co/
Tournaments 20182019202020212022202320242025
Champions Jenny XJ9 Spinel Dr. Mrs. The Monarch Betty Boop Fang Wuya Frankie Foster
Elite Eight
Bold indicates semifinalist status. Bold underlined indicates finishing as runner-up at least once.
Alex Azula Black Canary Blackfire Chel Clover ENA Eris EVE Harley Quinn Helen Parr Hilda Johanna Jucika Kim Possible Lord Dominator Marceline Miss Bellum Miss Pauling Mrs. Brisby Muriel Bagge Nani Pelekai Nicole Watterson Pearl Peridot Pomni Queen Tyr'ahnee Raven Shirley the Medium Starfire Shego Toph Beifong Velma Dinkley
Qualified Characters
Alice Amelia Bedelia Amity Anne Boonchuy Ariel Ashi Aunt Cass Beatrice Candace Flynn Captain Amelia‎ Creepy Susie Charlie Magne Coraline Death Demencia Dexter's Mom Eda Clawthorne Emmy Giffany Gwen (TD) Gwen Tennyson Gwenpool Hekapoo Izzy Jackie Lynn Thomas Jessica Rabbit Karen Kim Pine Leni Loud Librarian Lola Bunny Loona Luz Noceda Marcy Wu Marie (CotC) Marie Kanker Mira Miko Kubota Millie Noodle Pacifica Northwest Propane Princess Marco Rapunzel Ruby Rose Sasha Waybright Slappy Squirrel Snowman Star Butterfly Tak Tiff Crust Ty Lee Vanessa Doofenshmirtz Wendy Corduroy Wendy's MascotZatanna
Other Characters
Goldfish Crackers (Coral) • Incidental 87’s Mother
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