Ashi is a character from Genndy Tartakovsky's Cartoon Network series Samurai Jack. She first appeared in the show's fifth and final season released in 2017, where she is introduced as one of the "Daughters of Aku", seven sisters raised from birth to kill the eponymous protagonist. After a long encounter with Jack that results in six of the sisters' deaths, Ashi is left alive, restrained, and dragged along with Jack against her will.
Plot spoilers
Ashi is shown to have an appreciation for nature during her time as Aku's daughter, so when Jack shows her the destruction caused by Aku's evil, she turns over to becomes Jack's most important ally and eventually his love interest. In the last few episodes, she helps Jack kill her father once and for all using her powers to create a time portal that sends both of them back to the very timeline shown in the first intro sequence, where he almost defeats the Master of Darkness. After Aku is defeated, the two have a wedding together, but Ashi disappears because of the time paradox caused by Aku's death. However, in the 2020 video game Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time, there is a secret ending where Ashi doesn't disappear, and she lives together with Jack.
Tournament History edit
Ashi has appeared in three Miss /co/ tournaments to date. She first appeared in Ms. /co/ 2018, reaching the 3rd round where she lost to future elite 8 member Helen Parr. In 2019 Ashi wasn't even nominated, causing her to miss the event entirely. She returned a year later but has struggled to get past round 1 ever since, due to her low seeds and unfavorable matchups. Ashi was eliminated by EVE in 2020 and by Miss Pauling in 2021, with both of her opponents going on to reach the elite eight in their respective years.
Results edit
2018 - seed 38 | |||||||||||||||||||
Round | Opponent | Series | Votes | Pct. For | |||||||||||||||
Round 1 | (91) Inque | Batman Beyond (DC Comics) | 198 - 124 | 61.5% | |||||||||||||||
Round 2 | (102) Teodora Villavicencio | Legend Quest | 183 - 143 | 56.1% | |||||||||||||||
Round 3 | (6) Helen Parr | The Incredibles | 110 - 221 | 33.2% | |||||||||||||||
2020 - seed 109 | |||||||||||||||||||
Round | Opponent | Series | Votes | Pct. For | |||||||||||||||
Round 1 | (109) EVE | WALL-E | 340 - 490 | 41% | |||||||||||||||
2021 - seed 119 | |||||||||||||||||||
Round | Opponent | Series | Votes | Pct. For | |||||||||||||||
Round 1 | (10) Miss Pauling Miss Pauling | Team Fortress 2 Comics | 338 - 636 | 34.7% |